Infants do not really get bored. But, we moms do want to maximize our time with our babies. That is how I felt. These activities are simple to set up and make great winter boredom busters for infants and their moms!
I wanted to soak in the cuddles of my babies. And I also wanted to encourage my infant’s development with simple developmental activities. For infants, I do not switch the activity every day or even do multiple activities a day.
I keep it S-I-M-P-L-E.
We want to encourage focus and calm. I do that by sticking with an activity for a few days to a week.
I introduce the activity during a tummy time session. If your baby is older and sitting up on their own, their normal playtime can be when you do these.
This list of winter activities for infants is divided into two age groups: younger infants and older infants.
**All of these activities require supervision.** On average, an infant may engage with a learning activity 1-2 times a day. Repetition is really great for them.
READ MORE>>>Did you miss the Preschool Boredom Busters or Toddler Boredom Busters? Definitely check those out if you have older kids.
Winter Boredom Busters: Young Infants
Bring a little summer into the cold months with this beach towel tummy time activity.
I set up this water play idea for babies in my kitchen with towels so it is easy clean up and water play indoors!
Cloth napkins make a fun tummy time sensory activity indoors.
My husband made these DIY high contrast cards for our babies. We taped them up near the bouncy chair for some visual stimulation.
These DIY books for infants are so easy to personalize. You can make one with letters, numbers, shapes or pictures.
This app for infant development activities is handy for planning in new learning ideas for your baby.
I loved rocking in the rocking chair and reading to my infants. We started this from the day we brought our babies home from the hospital. This is my go-to list of favorite books for babies.
Make up some sensory bottles using what you have on hand.
Winter Boredom Busters: Older Infants
When your baby can sit up on their own, hold toys in their hands, and show more focus, these are great winter activities for infants to try.
Use ice and a muffin tin to try this sensory and fine motor activity.
The sensory crawl is a really fun indoor activity for crawling or walking infants.
Try these tips to help your baby paint. It is not as scary as it sounds. I use the paintings as Christmas gifts for the grandparents.
A sticky ball is simple to DIY. Always great to keep a babies focus for a while.
My babies loved the surprise they saw in these Peek a Boo boxes that are easy to make.
Cotton balls are a fun sensory and fine motor play supply and this cotton ball activity was a hit.
Before you toss that wall calendar this year, use the photos in it for a gross motor activity.
Babies love seeing family faces on these photo blocks. Easy to make and so inexpensive!
>>>Basic Infant Development Tips<<<
Babies need consistency and calm. Review the basics of infant development. Always watch your baby when they are engaging with any DIY or homemade activities.
That one on one time is so precious. I do not regret a minute of time sitting on the floor playing and interacting with my babies when they were this little. Enjoy it.
READ MORE>>>This big list of activities for babies will be a great tool all winter long too!
What are your favorite ways to spend time together with your baby?

Need help doing activities with your baby? I have a free checklist for you!
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