Motherhood demands a lot from you, but balance can be reached.

No matter how many kids you have, whether you homeschool or send your children to school, work at home or are a full time stay at home mom, you CAN experience balance in your home and life. You can thrive in motherhood.

Over 6,000 mothers have accessed our3-day mini Course the Quick Start Guide to Achieving Balance and are walking their own paths to balance. Mom, you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling successful! Access the free mini course, subscriber tools to equip yourself for success and join our community for encoruagement and advice today!

>>Click here to get started.<<

Make a new career happen as a life coach working from home as a mom.

Welcome to the SAHM Guide!

Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Jaimi Erickson, and I am a mom who loves to encourage other mothers.

If you are in the season of raising children, making a home and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood, you are in the right place to fill your cup. I’m so glad you are here!

I have a background in early childhood education and I have taken that knowledge of how children learn and child psychology to apply it to help moms who are trying to survive – and thrive – at home caring for their families. 

That is the goal here: for YOU to thrive in motherhood.

Graphic The Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide

I am the mom of four including a set of twins. They are my full time job. I am also a military wife, writer and “professional” playdate planner. We have to meet mom friends somehow, right?!

You are invited to read and stay awhile. Let me tell you a little about how this site got started.

Shortly after my second child was born, a few friends of mine were not feeling like being at home with their kids was fulfilling. I wanted to encourage them. After sharing this idea, my closest mom friend suggested that I start a blog. I had no idea what a blog was at that time! So, I did a little research and just jumped in to it.

My mission started with a desire to help the moms who were wanting to be home with their kids but were not really understanding how it positively impacts their children. That grew into creating a free mini course for moms to take simple steps to simplify life, get organized and make intentional time for their families at home.

You can have balance too.

Over 6,000 moms have progressed through our free course and they are winning in their lives because they know the path to balance. Join them on your own personal path to balance as a mom. Subscribe now to access the free 3-day mini course, full freebie collection, encouragement, kids activities and support as you navigate your motherhood journey and learn to thrive!

Get started here

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

Read what fellow moms are saying about The SAHM Guide, our free resources, the balance course and what you will gain by subscribing to join the community.

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

“Great activity archive!”

-Amanda S.

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

“Thank you for everything you do and provide…”

-Ashton D.

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

“Thanks for all you do!”

-Rebecca S.

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

“Feels real and down to earth.”

-Sarah E.

What moms are saying about The SAHM Guide...

“What you do is awesome. Thank you for what you do.”

-Rebecca V.


The Blog

The blog contains tips, resources and encouragement for mothers. We focus on the value of our time at home, living to raise solid families, and working to create balance at home. 


Resources and Freebies

Gain access to exclusive free gifts only for subscribers! These include checklists to keep each day organized, printables to reinforce values at home, and special ways to stay encouraged through the tough days.


Free Mini Course

You can receive my free 4-day course The Quick Start Guide to Achieving Balance at Home when you become an email subscriber, which also grants you access to all of my other freebies!

The SAHM Guide was featured in the Top 20 Mommy Blogs. We have also been included in Twinkl’s Top Educational Blogs.

Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Matters

This blog is for YOU, the stay-at-home-mom, who may need encouragement and support to find the joy in staying home with your children every day. Being a stay-at-home mom is a parenting choice that puts you in the prime spot to know your child better than anyone....

Maximize Your Time As A Stay-at-Home Mom

  I used to get bored as stay-at-home mom. Those days made me question whether being a stay-at-home mom was worth it. As a former teacher, and a child who had a stay-at-home mom, I knew that what I was doing was valuable, but I needed to add things into my day to...

How to be a Great Stay-at-Home Mom

This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure for more info. It used to bother me, when I was in my teaching program, when teachers and professors talked to us like we knew more about raising children than the parents. I was a 20-something student who...

What Do Stay-at-Home Moms Do All Day?

Many SAHMs long for a job outside of the home. It can be difficult to recall what we really do all day when our main task is caring for home and children. Often we cannot complete one task before starting another-and really, we do about 100 things at once! For...

How to Feel Like A Successful Mom

  I have had people actually ask me the question, "What do you do all day as a stay-at-home mom?"  Some days I can't even answer.  I start to work on a task, then the phone rings, someone spits up or needs a diaper change, spills something on the...

The “Other Half” of a Stay-at-Home Mom: The Working Dad

  I would be terribly forgetful if I did not mention one phenomenal half of the whole picture on being a stay-at-home mom: the working husband!  How in the world could we do what we do without their sacrifice? I sometimes envy my husband leaving for work...

Play and Learning at the Playground

    You do not have to be bored sitting and watching your children play at the playground. There are simple ways to connect the outdoor playtime with simple, fun activities and learning at home too. I tend to look at a visit to the playground as my chance to...

Quick Tips to Get Dinner on the Table

    Do you hate being asked "What's for dinner?" It can cause stress some days, but let's plan ahead and use simple tips so we can answer that question Every Monday, as part of my easing back into the week, I scan my fridge, freezer and pantry for an...

DIY Puzzles

Need to add something new into today's activities?  Make a puzzle. It will take you 10 minutes to make these two DIY puzzles. DIY Puzzles are wonderful tools for enhancing spatial reasoning skills and memory.  It is very easy to make a puzzle and you have everything...

Easy Organization for Moms

There are easy, and extremely inexpensive ways to organize your life as a homemaker and stay-at-home mom. These easy organization tips help you live more and clean less. I am all for that!  This list of 5 tips for easy easy organization for moms can be added to...

About SAHM Guide Founder, Jaimi Erickson

Wife, Mother, Writer


Started working in child development.

While living in Colorado, Jaimi worked at a child care center caring for toddlers. It sparked her love of early childhood education and teaching. It also showed her how much she would miss if her own future children were in daycare all day. It inspired her love of teaching and her desire to become a stay-at-home mom if she ever had her own children.

sensory play for babies that can be found in your kitchen pantry


Married and started teaching

Jaimi and her husband were married while in college. In 2006, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education and began teaching preschool on a military base.

In 2007, Jaimi’s husband returned to military service and they found out she was pregnant, but miscarried early on in the pregnancy.


My 1st was born!

Her oldest son, was born in Virginia. He was a rainbow baby. 🙂 He was always so inquisitive.

Back off Buzz book review and teaching children about bullies.


Another child and the blog was born!

Their second child, a daughter, was born in North Carolina. She never napped, but was the cuddliest baby.

The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide was also founded this year!


The twins!

Jaimi’s twins  were born right after Christmas. It was an extremely tough pregnancy, early birth, and the most sleep-deprived experience for a few years. But, they made the Erickson family lively! 



After a military move, Jaimi and her husband decided to start homeschooling their children. It was a tough choice, but one that they are so grateful that they made. It felt like a calling Jaimi had been ignoring for years.


Contributing Writer at Spouselink

Jaimi was invited to become a contributing blogger for Spouselink, a military spouse-focused blog run by American Armed Services Legal Aid Association. She contributes two articles every month geared towards military spouses managing home, family and life in the often-challenging lifestyle of the military.


Contributing Writer at HSLDA

After creating a homeschool group at their final military duty station, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Jaimi was invited to write for the Homeschool Legal Defense Association‘s blog. She contributes homeschool and military homeschooling themed articles regularly.


First ebook published!

Jaimi published an ebook all about hosting playdates. It was an essential activity as a SAHM to try to make friends and stay sane throughout my years of motherhood and military life. Many moms have emailed her over the years asking how to meet friends, so she put all her tips into How to Host a Playdate as an answer for moms looking to connect with other moms.


Learn how to host a playdate to meet mom friends and keep postpartum depression and loneliness away.


First book A Parent’s Guide to School Choice is published!

After years of performing and compiling research, Jaimi published her first book to help parents feel encouraged as they make the best school choice for their children. The book contains multiple resources to help guide parents in their decision process. There are more school options than you may think!


Contributing Writer for We Are The Mighty: Mighty Milspouse

Jaimi was selected as a freelance contributing writer for the newly launched Military spouse vertical at We Are The Mighty an online publication for the military community. She has contributed monthly and has a featured 8-part series about her strenuous experiences during her husband’s one year deployment detailing her health struggles and single parenting challenges.


Interview with South Carolina Voyager Magazine

Jaimi was interviewed for a feature at South Carolina Voyager. She and her family moved to small town South Carolina upon her husband’s retirement from the miltiary. They bought their forever homestead and are setting down roots, enjoying life in the country.

…and the story continues…

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