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Welcome to Homemaking Tips Tuesdays where contributing writers share helpful homemaking tips so you can feel more successful caring for your home and family.

{This week, post by: Jessica}

So you’re ready for a day of baking with the kids?  Here are a few tips to a more enjoyable experience.

4 tips for baking with kids

  1. Prepare your kids.

Maybe it’s a bit of my husband’s military experience rubbing off on me, but we always seem to “brief” our kids before diving into an activity.

Explain what you and the kids will be doing, where you will need their help (or won’t), and any other important information needed for the process.

A cute apron adds to the excitement as well and helps protect your child’s clothing. Maybe you share all the amazing cookie science involved in baking, or don’t mention they will be learning a ton of math and science disguised as fun. Your call! 

  1. Prepare your kitchen.

 Mise en place is a French culinary phrase which means “putting in place” or “everything in its place.” It refers to the set up required before cooking.

Before you invite the kids into your baking session, try to have as many of the ingredients measured out and ready to go.  It will help everything move along at a quicker pace and keep the kids from losing interest or sticking their fingers where you don’t want them.

I also like to have my sink ready for dish washing in case I need to use a measuring spoon again that day. Fill it part way with hot, soapy water, and you are ready to wash as needed.

  1. Enjoy the process.

I’ll admit this is a hard one more me.  I try not to cringe if some of the flower gets spilled or the kids bicker over whose turn it is to add what.

Remember it’s about creating a memorable experience with your kids, not a time to cry over spilled milk! Yes, the kitchen will be messier than if you had worked alone.  Accept the mess as part of the process. These“cooking with books” kids cooking class ideas can help you stay focused on the fun in the process.

  1. Enjoy the fruit of your labor.

Cookies never taste as good as when they first come out of the oven.  After they have cooled (and been decorated if needed), set aside some for yourself and help the kids choose who to give some of the cookies as gifts.

As satisfying as it is to indulge on your sweet treats, it’s even more satisfying to see the face of your neighbor light up as they receive a plate of holiday goodness.

How old was your child when they first baked with you?

homemaking tips tuesday
Getting ready to do some baking with kids? Grab these tips so you can enjoy more of the experience and stress less.

Jessica is a stay at home mom of two lovely little girls.  She is also a military spouse and an entrepreneur.  Jessica enjoys staying active and spending time outdoors with her family, cooking, and reading.