Welcome to Homemaking Tips Tuesdays where contributing writers share helpful homemaking tips so you can feel more successful caring for your home and family.
{This week, post by: Jaimi}
Spring cleaning time is here!
Do you get excited to give your house a good deep cleaning or are you more likely to want to hide in the closet hoping someone else will take care of the work?
Cleaning is not something I find fun, necessarily. I do however love having a clean and organized house…even if it only lasts for 5 minutes in my house of busy kids.
Spring Cleaning used to feel overwhelming to me. Cleaning from top to bottom, emptying the fridge and kitchen cabinets, was too much work to take on when I had infants. I would just add on a cleaning task each week and hope that over time things were clean enough.
Then when my husband deployed recently, I got the Spring Cleaning bug. One Saturday I felt the need to clean out all my kitchen cupboards, declutter the drawers and closets, and make sure every inch of the house was as clean as possible. There may have been an ounce of “my husband had been gone and I’ve been caring for four kids alone “ insanity involved, but we pushed through.
When I was so eager to clean I remembered I had a Spring Cleaning checklist in my household binder. I had not used it despite printing it off a couple years prior, so it was time.
In the spirit of encouraging you to not be intimidated by spring cleaning, and to seek that successful feeling, I gathered some of my favorite cleaning checklists. They can be used as Spring Cleaning checklists, or regular household cleaning checklists depending on your needs.
Spring Cleaning and Household Cleaning Checklists
The Spring Cleaning checklist from Frugal Living Mom was really helpful for focusing on what to clean and staying organized. You can grab it here.
- The list is very extensive, so some items did not apply to our house. I just skipped those. You can highlight the tasks that apply to your home.
- Slip the pages into plastic page protectors so you can easily use dry erase marker to check off the completed tasks. This makes the free printable cleaning checklist reusable year after year.
This yearly cleaning checklist from Tidy Mom is great for a Spring cleaning checklist. There are daily, weekly and monthly routine lists as well.
For a weekly cleaning routine, this list and printables are really helpful. You can find them at Clean Mama.
My daily cleaning routines took time to figure out. Once I no longer had infants, it was easier to stick to a regular housework schedule.
Sarah Titus put together a collection of her favorite cleaning routines. You can find a format that works for you in the big collection!
My favorite Spring Cleaning checklist is the one from Frugal Living Mom, hands down. It is so detailed. I have mine out and ready to go!
If you haven’t checked out all the cleaning and homemaking tips in The Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms, that will get you feeling more successful at home!
Are you gearing up for spring cleaning? Do you have a favorite checklist for staying organized while you clean?
Check out the one household cleaner I use for cleaning everything in my home! Talk about streamlining and keeping things simple.
Haha, unfortunately hiding in the closet is more how I feel when it’s spring cleaning time! I’ll be sure to check out some of the checklists you mentioned, and hopefully they will spur me into action!
I definitely can relate to that! It’s nice when the cleaning is done. 😉
Boy oh boy, spring came really fast this year! On my spring cleaning checklist is a bunch of household repairs and updates we aren’t able to do in the winter months. The number one goal is to finally proxy (paint I’m not sure what it is called) our garage…we have been saying this since we moved in 3 years ago. Hopefully now that it has been added to the checklist it will get completed 🙂
I wish you all the best on completing that!