[Guest Post by Rebecca Barker]
Do you ever have a gut feeling that things are getting to be too much? That mom instinct is probably right! If it feels like too much, it probably is are words to live by.
As mothers we manage so very many aspects of our family’s lives. From those in the for-front like homeschooling and meal making, to all that goes on “behind the curtain” like juggling schedules and planning…so much planning, we manage it all.
With you at the helm, more often than not it will be you who recognizes first when things are getting to be “too much.” That means, it is also you who gets to decide what to do next.
My daily goal is to prioritize peace and progress. This simple idea helps me focus and re-evaluate when things are getting to be “too much.”
Prioritizing a Balance of Peace and Progress
As a homeschooling mom, I’m no stranger to reevaluating curriculum. However, I’m used to switching things out annually. So, when my first grader began crying over math mid-year, my first instinct was to persist. But, I questioned if that would create peace and progress. I determined it wouldn’t.
Instead, I recognized the sign of distress. Honestly, I felt a little beaten up myself. It was getting to be too much.
We took a week off math and played games instead. I researched gentler curriculum options, joined Facebook groups, and asked all kinds of questions. We found a great fit, and mid-year started over at our own pace.
Now, we play games, review daily, and my daughter actually looks forward to doing her fun math. The changes led us to peace.
I enjoy giving her compliments on achieving her goals, and she feels confident. The changes led us to progress.
As a toddler, my daughter suddenly decided she wouldn’t sit at the table for dinner with the family. This refusal to eat ended in massive melt downs, uncomfortable dinners, no food being eaten at all, and an utter lack of peace or progress.
As a younger mom, I panicked about what to do. I worried and stressed about dinner… until finally I found a way to get her to eat. She liked buttered elbow macaroni. She’d walk about and graze on buttered noodles. Eventually I added in peas and carrots, etc.
I wish I could go back and tell past me great job! Great job finding a way for my daughter to willingly eat finger foods without tears at dinner… peace. Great job for feeding my tiny girl something for dinner at all… progress. (Now she’s 6 and still finds a way to get up and wander at dinner now and then. But, she loves all kinds of foods.)

Balance in Action Leads to Peace
Challenges, problems, and the puzzles of everyday schedules can all seem to stack up into mountainous heights. Like a scene out of Alice in Wonderland, tasks just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. If you let them stack up it can breed worry, fear and overwhelmed emotions. This can often upset the vibe of your whole family.

BUT… You’re not alone… it happens to all of us.
If It Feels Like Too Much, It Probably Is
That feeling that there’s just too much has a simple fix.
Do less.
Evaluate and prioritize peace and progress. If you’re racing and it seems to be getting out of control, simply pull over and ask if this is where you want to be.
Never be above a simple solution. Remember to bravely seek out the best answer for each situation, and find peace and progress in your home.

Rebecca Barker a stay-at-home mom and author behind Be Brave Mom inspiring moms daily through mom motivation. As a homeschooling parent of two amazing kids, Barker loves to do crafts, bake, garden and most of all relax with her family. She hopes that his column inspires you to be brave mom. Check out her page here.