DIY Sunscreen options all with natural spf.

Up until a handful of years ago, I did not hesitate to buy the bargain sunscreen or convenient sunscreen option from the store. Then I learned more about the ingredients in those sunscreen varieties. I was astonished. My first thought was to head to Pinterest and find simple DIY sunscreen options.

We all know that usually when you DIY anything, it costs less-unless you are refinishing furniture. (Been there, done that.)

Combining simple ingredients found in nature plus adding natural SPF options gave me a simple solution to avoiding the toxin-filled sunscreens.

Have you read about how the nano-particles in most sunscreens (even if they have “natural” on the label) can absorb into our skin? It is eye-opening. So we choose non-nano DIY and purchased sunscreen options.

Here are my favorites if you want to help your family stay at healthy as they can. Plus you could win a summer skin and sun protection kit!

DIY Sunscreen Options

My first choice is to use a purchased sunscreen. There are many that claim to have natural ingredients, but I know that non-nano zinc oxide is the way to go.

Our skin can absorb nano particles. They are super tiny and not a lot of research has been done to verify whether they are safe.

I know from researching natural wellness solutions and DIY options to save money on personal care products, that we all have many more options than we realize. We can avoid harmful chemicals and protect our families.

Options for DIY Sun Protection

I will share two options with you for DIY sunscreen. One is very simple and the other takes less than 10 minutes to make. My DIY Sunscreen lasts years in the fridge. I like to make a bigger batch and store it.

The essential oils enhance the SPF factor of the DIY sunscreen. They can also be used on their own to support skin when out in the sun.

Fun fact: When you combine ingredients with different SPFs you do not get a cumulative protection. You only ever get the SPF of the highest-rated ingredient.

DIY Sunscreen

I use the base of this sunscreen to make body butter, night cream, diaper cream, and it is our basic “ointment” for all things that pop up on our skin. It is super versatile and really inexpensive.

Recipe for DIY Sunscreen

1 pint jar with lid

1/2 C organic coconut oil

1/4 C beeswax pellets

1/4 C shea butter

2T non-nano zinc oxide

20 drops carrot seed essential oil

20 drops lavender essential oil

Essential Oils with Natural SPF

I like the sun protection I get from combining Carrot Seed and Lavender essential oils. You can use them individually in your skin care routine. They are great to layer on your sin to get some natural SPF for the day.

I often put 2 drops of Carrot Seed Essential oil on my skin after toning. Then I apply my daytime moisturizer. For daily skin support from the sun, this is a great quick option.

This article explains that you should only buy your essential oils from a company that actually states where their farms are located.

Between the DIY Sunscreen options and using the essential oils, which is most appealing to you?

DIY Sunscreen options all with natural spf.