Moms are Leaders

Moms are Leaders

Did you make the list of most powerful women of the last year?  Every year Fortune magazine lists the 50 most powerful women, in business, but of course this is only one sector of powerful women. I noticed a blog out there that targets busy working...
How Parents Teach Socialization

How Parents Teach Socialization

Socialization is the most over-used term in the parenting world-and early childhood education world-these days…and often the most misinterpreted. We stay-at-home moms are not depriving our children of proper socialization, we are actually providing the best form...
DIY Sensory Bottles from Baby Bottles

DIY Sensory Bottles from Baby Bottles

  I was first introduced to DIY sensory bottles when I worked in a daycare center. These sensory toys are very easy to make, are great for older kids to help make, and can be made in a variety of sizes.   If you do not drink bottled water, you can use baby...
Bath Time Activities

Bath Time Activities

  I have heard from some parents that the less toys they have in the tub the better they like it, because they just want baths to be quick.  I think giving kids some fun bath time activities can make bath time time that I get to sit for a bit. How often in...
Personalized Songs that Teach

Personalized Songs that Teach

  Try these two little songs to increase learning in those moments where you need a fill-in activity, are traveling in the car, or need to get your infant to lie still while you change her diaper. I started singing these personalized songs that teach with my...