The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide

Giving stay-at-home moms and caregivers tools, resources, and tips on how to create a loving, genuine home alongside their children.
MotherhoodKId's activities


Hey there!

My name is Jaimi, and I am a mom who loves to encourage moms in the season of raising children, making a home, and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. I am the mom of four, including a set of twins. I am also a military wife, writer and “professional” playdate planner. We have to meet mom friends somehow, right?!

I studied early childhood education and teaching in college, so I was able to study a lot about child psychology, family dynamics and what research shows about those two factors in the life of children. I decided to channel that background and the feeling like I could really help moms who were just trying to survive at home caring for their families. 

The stay at home mom survival guide is my little ministry. It is a resource for mothers, parents, caregivers and teachers.

Graphic The Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide
One Item Activities for Little Kids

One Item Activities for Little Kids

My very first year of full-time homeschooling was chaotic. I had two preschoolers to wrangle while trying to teach my two older children. The juggling act made me feel overwhelmed daily. Young children have limited attention spans and putting them on a screen to keep...

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Simple Steps to a Natural Lifestyle

It is not difficult to live a more natural lifestyle even with little kids at home. In fact, while they are little is the best time to start! It becomes second nature to our kids. What we live, they learn. These 3 simple steps to a natural lifestyle are the steps I took to keep my family healthy...

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Homeschool Organization (Works for Virtual School Too!)

Homeschool Organization (Works for Virtual School Too!)

These organizing tools helped me get a hold on the school work chaos. These ideas work for virtual school too! Home school organization can take time to develop as you learn what system works best for you. These organization ideas help us stay on task and keep our house more clutter free....

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Laundry Organization Tips to Save Time

Laundry Organization Tips to Save Time

My daughter asked me to help her put her clothes away. She was getting dressed by herself at age 2, so she knew where her clothes were in the drawers. Putting clothes away, though, was hard for her. I agreed to help and was stressed about what I found! Her drawers were a mess! All the time I was...

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Favorite Time Saving Home Tools

Favorite Time Saving Home Tools

No doubt when you have kids, you need to maximize your time. These favorite time saving home tools are saving me cleaning time and giving me more time to relax and keep life in balance. We need to help the kids with homework, have fun with them, and they eat a lot! It feels like I am either...

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Chemistry Activities for Kids: Multi-Age Learning Unit

Chemistry Activities for Kids: Multi-Age Learning Unit

These chemistry activities for kids are a great introduction to chemistry and the periodic table of the elements. A kids book inspired me to put this chemistry unit together as our first homeschool science unit of the year. We really dived into some meaty science topics and it was all centered...

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Kids Birthday Party Ideas During  Coronavirus

Kids Birthday Party Ideas During Coronavirus

We celebrated 2 of our kids' birthdays during the covid-19 quarantine. Despite the circumstances, we still tried help the kids create great memories despite the situation. There are some kids birthday party ideas during coronavirus that are creative and fun despite the pandemic. Kids Birthday...

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Planning for the New School Year

Planning for the New School Year

As I approach the first day of school, I do not want to let fear and anxiety lead me. I am focused on a systematic approach to our school year. These 5 tips help me with planning for the year ahead-any year. Balance can still be reached when we take a smart approach to each day. 5 Tips for...

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Stay at Home Snacks

Stay at Home Snacks

Anyone else's kids eating all the time these days? Mine are! It is a constant event when kids are home for school it seems. I found some stay at home snacks during quarantine to help us extend our time between grocery trips. When you can't shop multiple times a week, want to reduce how much you...

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Learning Greater Than Less Than with Playing Cards

Learning Greater Than Less Than with Playing Cards

Learning greater than less than with playing cards builds number sense and math skills with a hands-on activity for kindergarten and early elementary age kids. Math skills are crucial to school success - and real world adulting let's be honest. Helping even preschoolers develop a love for learning...

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