The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide

Giving stay-at-home moms and caregivers tools, resources, and tips on how to create a loving, genuine home alongside their children.
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Hey there!

My name is Jaimi, and I am a mom who loves to encourage moms in the season of raising children, making a home, and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. I am the mom of four, including a set of twins. I am also a military wife, writer and “professional” playdate planner. We have to meet mom friends somehow, right?!

I studied early childhood education and teaching in college, so I was able to study a lot about child psychology, family dynamics and what research shows about those two factors in the life of children. I decided to channel that background and the feeling like I could really help moms who were just trying to survive at home caring for their families. 

The stay at home mom survival guide is my little ministry. It is a resource for mothers, parents, caregivers and teachers.

Graphic The Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide
Weeknight Dinners: 10 Quick and Delicious Ideas

Weeknight Dinners: 10 Quick and Delicious Ideas

[Image Source] In the whirlwind of modern life, weeknights pose a particular challenge for many. After a day filled with to do lists and errands, the prospect of whipping up a dinner that’s both quick and satisfying can seem like an impossible task. Yet, the...

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Helping Children Develop Character and Integrity

Helping Children Develop Character and Integrity

I caught them. They were talking in our garage. The plan was to sneak around the house to try and avoid a child that they did not like. The boys did not want to play with him, but he kept coming to our door. Teaching children to develop character and integrity is a daily action as parents. We see...

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Tips to Stay on Budget When You Have Kids

Tips to Stay on Budget When You Have Kids

Maintaining a family budget takes some budgeting tips. We live in expensive times. Being a one income household may feel impossible. This list of tips to stay on budget when you have kids are practical ideas for cutting costs, saving money and budgeting well. Only recently have I started looking...

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How to Mix and Match Different Styles of Furniture

When decorating a home, many people often overlook one of the most important elements – furniture. Quality furniture is an investment that can last for years and add to the overall aesthetic of your home. Furniture provides comfort and functionality and it can also make a statement and create an...

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10 Multi-Age Activities to Encourage Your Kids’ Curiosity

10 Multi-Age Activities to Encourage Your Kids’ Curiosity

Activities to encourage your kids’ curiosity does not require expensive kits or classes. You can engage your children in fun explorations, simply. This list of 10 activities for multiple ages will encourage your kids’ curiosity both at home and out and about. Encourage Your Kids' Curiosity with...

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How to Balance School and Home Repairs: Tips to Manage Both

It can be a challenge to balance school and home repairs. Whether you’re a student working towards a degree or just someone trying to keep up with the demands of your schedule, finding the time to keep your home in good condition can be a daunting task. Degree programs require a lot of time and...

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Child’s First Book Report: The Story Rope

Child’s First Book Report: The Story Rope

Reading bonds love and learning. It is a perfect activity for all ages. A child’s first book report: the story rope activity, is one more step in creating an added level of learning after you read your child a book. As a former classroom teacher, I actually used this idea in a first grade...

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Sharing the Gospel with Kids

Sharing the Gospel with Kids

A neighbor recently reached out asking how I share the gospel with my children. Sharing the Gospel with kids is not complicated at all. Simple steps of incorporating your faith each day will teach so much. We, as parents, are the first example of our faith being lived out. The kids see how we act...

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He Still Calls Me Mommy

He Still Calls Me Mommy

She asked me, “He still calls you mommy?” It was in a friendly tone, but the question caught me off-guard. Immediately, I paused for what felt like an awkward length of time. My tongue twisted. I felt attacked with the unexpected, personal question. In my mind, I was thinking in rapid fire...

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If It Feels Like Too Much, It Probably Is

If It Feels Like Too Much, It Probably Is

[Guest Post by Rebecca Barker] Do you ever have a gut feeling that things are getting to be too much? That mom instinct is probably right! If it feels like too much, it probably is are words to live by. As mothers we manage so very many aspects of our family’s lives. From those in the for-front...

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