20+ Toddler Activities to do at Home

20+ Toddler Activities to do at Home

Toddlers. They can be tricky! Not quite ready for sitting down and doing focused learning activities, this group is active, always exploring and needs their own fun activities to keep them (I don’t like the term busy) investigating the right things rather than...
Kids’ Screen Time: Tips and Resources

Kids’ Screen Time: Tips and Resources

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure.  I was not paid to offer the included giveaway. Have your kids entered the age where technology use has become one more thing to think about each day? I recently read a statistic that said the average child...
Why I Chose to be A Stay-at-Home Mom

Why I Chose to be A Stay-at-Home Mom

I chose to be a stay-home-mom based on experiences that I could not ignore. Before my husband and I were even married, we discussed how we would best care for our children if/when we had them. There is only so much preparation you can do to get ready for parenthood,...