My kids were playing with their toy animals a lot. I noticed that my toddler already knew the animal names, and my oldest was nearly at reading age. In the midst of one of their pretend play sessions, I asked them if they wanted to make name tags for the animals.

They are usually game for a fun activity! With items we already had at home, I made some simple name tags for each of their little animal toys.

Learning animal names with name tags is a simple, but cute activity for preschool. This activity is a fun way to inject some print into your child’s regular pretend-play experiences with their toy animals.

It is so simple to make your own animal name tags. too! After playing the nametag game, explore a fall farm sensory bin to expand the activity with more farm animal fun.

Toddler boy playing with stuffed animals. Text reads learning animal names matching game.

Learning Animal Names with Nametags Matching Game

This activity is great for toddlers, preschoolers and up. I love that my kids can play together, and each one will learn something different from this activity.
All you need to make these name tags at home are foam sheets and yarn or twine. We store these animal name tags in a small bag right in our animal bin.

After you play the animal names matching game, print out these Farm Animals: Moms and Babies Matching printables for more learning.

I shared the learning animal names activity steps as a guest post over on B-Inspired MamaHead on over to B-Inspired Mama to read the whole post! Then, pop on back after to let me know what you think!
Visit the Toddler page for more activities that are appropriate for toddler development. The Preschool page will cover preschooler fun.
Has your child showed an interest in learning about animals and animal names yet? 
Kids interested in animal toys? Try adding an element of literacy to their play by learning animal names with name tags. A fun activity for toddlers and preschool.

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Small animal toys with nametags around them. Text reads learn animal names with nametags. Simple hands-on matching game that teaches pre-reading skills.