Teaching spelling goes along with teaching that learning is fun. Creating this fall word spelling game will make learning spelling hands-on and engaging for young children.
This game works as a template for learning other spelling words too. Create spelling games from the names of animals, vehicles, friends and family names or use these Fall words for a fall word spelling game.

Fall Word Spelling Game for Kids
First step is to get two sheets of orange or yellow paper and pick your list of words. Write the words two times on the paper leaving a bit of space between each letter. This will allow you to cut apart the letters easily. You will write the words on each piece of paper, but will only cut apart the letters from one piece.

One piece of paper will be cut apart to be letter tiles. The other piece of paper will be the matching page or key for this spelling game for teaching fall words.

Next, when the letters are cut out of one piece of paper, place the letters in a pile.
Your child will use the piece of paper with the words written out as their guide for matching the letters to spell each word.
It’s a spelling scavenger hunt. Find the matching letter and places them in the right order. Simple spelling game for the fall season.
For more of a spelling challenge, give your child the cut apart letters and just say each word out loud. They work to spell each word from memory without the guide paper. Or, after your child matches the letters to spell each word, they can write the words on paper to practice handwriting.
This spelling game can be adapted in that way for kids as young as preschool and kids that are in elementary grades. This is a fun hands-on way to work on spelling for any kids.
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What spelling words are your children working to learn?