{Guest Post}

My girls are growing up, faster than I like to admit. They’re outgrowing clothes at an alarming rate. Their tastes change by the hour. I created this DIY Sensory Box Activity for kids to foster that brain teaser type challenge as the girls are getting older.
Coming up with activities that challenge their minds while also being age appropriate can be difficult at times.
I was trying to figure out a fun learning game and came up with this DIY sensory box game.
It was actually really fun to make and hilarious to watch the girls play. Sensory activities are so important for all groups of children to continually help with brain growth. These sensory activities for toddlers and sensory activities for preschool are great for younger kids.
This DIY sensory box activity also got my girls to think “outside the box” haha!

DIY Sensory Box Activity for Kids
A small empty box (I used a garbage bag box and it worked perfectly because of the large perforated hole that already existed)
A variety of random items (I chose things from around the house, but you can get as creative as you want. For younger kids choose items that are not choking hazards. Always supervise!)
Wrapping paper
Pads of paper
I scoured the house to find random things to put in the box that have different textures.

I included an eraser, a pen, a smooth expo marker, a spool of string, a lego, a tiny Spiderman action figure, a paperclip, a hair tie, a button and a tiny turtle figurine.
You can put anything you want in your sensory box. The sky really is the limit.
Then I put the items in the box.

I wrapped the box with wrapping paper.
Then carefully cut slits in the top so that the girls could reach their hands inside and feel each item without seeing them.

I had them each take turns touching the items inside the box.
They then would guess what it was. After they made their guess they would remove the item to see if they were right.
I didn’t help or coach them since they are school age. For younger ones you could give clues.
I used this time as an opportunity to discuss the importance of our five senses. There are so many things we discussed.
We discussed how difficult it can be to not be able to use your senses, in this instance your sight, to identify things. It also can heighten your other senses because you’re forced to rely on them in that situation.
Surprisingly this game entertained the girls for quite awhile, which at their ages can be quite the feat. I hope your kids enjoy this activity as much as my girls did.
What are your favorite sensory activities for kids? Do you have any fun sensory games you play with them? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below.

Heather lives in Florida with her husband, two girls and two pups. She is a lover of most things in life, too many to name here without scaring you, but a few include working out, learning new recipes, Pinterest, organizing (yes, it’s true!), home decor and learning to lead a more minimal and purposeful life.
She started Just Becoming Me as a venture to better understand herself and what will lead her towards a more fulfilling life. Her motto is: “We only have one life, and I want to learn to live mine in a way that gets me excited to jump out of bed.”
Hello very nice thank you for sharing
Thank you for stopping by!
I remember my mom used to involve us into diy activities, we learn alot from it… I agree it is something super important, especially for todays kids!