Tips to Stay on Budget When You Have Kids

Tips to Stay on Budget When You Have Kids

Maintaining a family budget takes some budgeting tips. We live in expensive times. Being a one income household may feel impossible. This list of tips to stay on budget when you have kids are practical ideas for cutting costs, saving money and budgeting well. Only...
Scrambling to Get Christmas Cards Out

Scrambling to Get Christmas Cards Out

It was taking much longer than expected to receive our family pictures from the photographer. With shipping estimates as they were, I knew it was crunch time or else I was not going to get our Christmas cards out in time. Scrambling to get Christmas cards out is just...
Stay-at-Home Mom Meals That Are Easy

Stay-at-Home Mom Meals That Are Easy

Meal planning is part of my full time job as a mom. Taking care of the home means planning healthy meals into our days. It helps us get take out less. This saves money. In this time of rising prices, a good meal planning system like these stay-at-home mom meals that...
School Year Organization That Works

School Year Organization That Works

At the start of last school year, I got bombarded. A surprise “deployment” meant single parenting for me right at the start of a busy season. Kids were all enrolled in sports and activities. My plan was to have two parents to share drop off and pick up...
What are some cute birthday outfit ideas?

What are some cute birthday outfit ideas?

Birthdays are the occasion of sheer excitement to party with friends, delicious food, and most importantly, the outfit. The outfit is one of the main aspects of this special day as everyone wants to dress unique and special, and the same goes for children. Kids are...