When I Feel Alone

When I Feel Alone

I make a career of waiting. I am a military wife-hurry up and wait is part of my life. I am alone a lot. Whether it is waiting for my husband to get home after 3 weeks away at a field operation, or after a 6 month deployment. I wait a lot. Add in being a mom-you know...
Less than Perfect Mom

Less than Perfect Mom

Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom. {This week: Post by Heather} Until this year, I never fully understood what my parents talked about when they...
Why Being a Mom Enhances Your Life

Why Being a Mom Enhances Your Life

Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom. {This week: Post by Jaimi} We moms have a lot of options. Being a mom enhances your life. The other fact is that...