Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom.
{This week: Guest Post by Melissa Matters}
It was one of those days. I must have cleaned pee off the floor four times, scrubbed 15 dishes and said “Don’t do that” about 100 times. I dealt with a three-year-old tantruming on the way to drop my older daughter off at school. We went to the park. I made two meals, prepared several snacks and did three loads of laundry. We picked up my daughter from school. We went to the park again. We watched Octonauts and read stories. After doing homework and getting some work done, I collapsed in bed knowing that tomorrow morning I would start this all over again. Sound familiar?
Being a stay-at-home parent is hard work. Sometimes, being home with the kids every day, all day, can become monotonous. I want to break up the monotony so I am not a bored stay-at-home mom.
Here are 7 tips for the bored stay-at-home mom
Join a Group
When my daughter was born, I joined a mom’s club. I met a lot of moms and made some great friends. Although I’m not in a mom’s group anymore, I recommend it to moms, especially with babies and young children. After all, having planned activities helps you get out of the house.
Often times when we go to the park, we walk there. This way, I feel like I am hitting two birds with one stone. I also play tag with my kids and, most nights, I try to take my dog on a run. Exercise releases endorphins: chemicals in your body that help you feel good.
Get Out of the House
I’m so glad I live in Southern California because I can’t handle being indoors all day. Even if we just go on a walk, most days, I can get outside. Picnics are my favorite. The kids seem to behave better when they are outside. In addition, the crumbs can simply be brushed into the grass. It’s a win-win. On inclement weather days, we may head to the library or a museum instead.
Go Somewhere New
I love finding new places and activities for the kids and I to enjoy. We might find a story time, a different park or a beautiful spot for hiking. My favorite is when we take a road trip and go to a new beach or find a new restaurant we all love.
Go Somewhere Sans Children
Sometimes, I just need to go somewhere by myself. For instance, I will go to the coffee house down the street, write and be in silence. Other times, my husband and I will go out on a date. All I need is an hour and I feel refreshed.
Let the Dishes Wait
I think the hardest part of being at home is the neverending mess. Sometimes, to keep my sanity, the dishes have to wait. Rather than cleaning, we will go outside, play a game or do a craft. Other times, I will sit on the floor, do a puzzle with my kids, and just enjoy them.
I believe it is vital to actively use your brain. I love to write so I am always learning and researching. Learning a foreign language, taking a class or reading a book are all good options.
What tips do you have for stay-at-home moms to help break up the day so you do not get bored?
Melissa Matters is a teacher, turned stay at home mom. She resides in Southern California with her husband, two kids, two dogs and two cats. She blogs over at Wading Through Motherhood where she talks about the joys and trials of motherhood, with a side of humor.
Socialize with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest.
I too am a lawyer turned STHM plus i moved abroad from the UK. At first it was really difficult for me too and i just felt like i was wasting my life until i started to appreciate having a family and children. Some people are not as fortunate as i am and i am thankful to god for that. I’ve been married for three years and have a 17 month old daughter and i find that having date nights with hubby is what keeps me zane. Honestly i used to avoid help from others thinking that i can do everything but i now take every single opportunity to be alone with my husband who at first didn’t like the idea of being apart from our daughter. I want to hopefully have more children and have put aside the next 5 years to breeding and breastfeeding and then i want to pick up myself and do what i like doing because right now my body and soul is being shared with my little one. Lastly taking care of yourself doesn’t have to cost a lot i.e go for a walk for exercise buy nail polish and paint your own nails. Being a STHM is much more worthy than the £60k salary i used to get but you only value this with time.
I agree! Great tips.
Lovely. I think we all reach some stage of boredom. It’s good to get up and go out there.
So true!
I think boredom is more incessant when there are mental conditions ailing mothers. Depression, ADD, stuff like that. It can make your best efforts seem futile at times.
Definitely something to consider.
These are great tips! I’ve been a stay at home mom for the past 22 years, and I swear I have yet to be bored. I always say, “only boring people get bored” but I don’t mean that in an insulting way (although I know it sounds like it!) But really…how can you be bored when there’s so many things to do? Your tips prove this!
So true! Boredom is not possible when we maximize our time at home. I agree with you on that!
So excited to be part of this series! Thanks again!
It is so exciting to have you as part of it!