Stay-at-Home Mom Activities for 18-Month-Old

Oh, those mobile toddlers! They keep us on our toes. This is the circular stage of motherhood. We follow our children around in circles all day straightening up the messes they leave behind. Hopefully teaching them to clean up with our help! But, stay-at-home mom...
Sharing the Gospel with Kids

Sharing the Gospel with Kids

A neighbor recently reached out asking how I share the gospel with my children. Sharing the Gospel with kids is not complicated at all. Simple steps of incorporating your faith each day will teach so much. We, as parents, are the first example of our faith being lived...
DIY Puzzles for Kids

DIY Puzzles for Kids

DIY puzzles for kids help children of any age learn matching and problem-solving skills. We do puzzles together for family time. It is just like game night. Good, quality time together and always laughs, competition and conversations. These homemade puzzle ideas are a...
When Kids Identify as Something They Are Not

When Kids Identify as Something They Are Not

My son once dressed up in princess dresses. It was right after my husband left on a deployment. The sudden shift in our family dynamics instigated a lot of adjustments. When kids identify as something they are not, it is hard – as a parent – to navigate. I...