If someone walked into my home today they would question whether I accomplished anything. When my house gets chaotic with clutter, I do not want to spend time in it. I judge my home by its cover-what I see makes me feel like it was a successful day or not. Often my “done list” is not long enough for my liking!

There is a quick way for reducing clutter in your home. It will make you feel more accomplished in your day as a homemaker/stay-at-home mom. It’s simple and only requires 1 “tool” and 1 day each week!

One simple tip that will help you with reducing clutter of kids toys and life at home.

One Step to Reducing Clutter at Home

First: Grab your laundry basket, and walk around each room of your house collecting items that are astray.  

I start in the Master bedroom since that is the last room I see at the end of my tiring day.  I do not want piles of laundry or clumps of clothes on the floor greeting me when I am ready to crawl into bed.

Carry your basket through the kids rooms, the bathroom, the main floor or your main living space if you have one level.  Even if the ‘stuff’ has to wait in the basket for you to deal with tomorrow, at least it is cleaned up out of direct view.  I think piles are better than things strewn all over floors, counters and work spaces.  Piles I can deal with.


Go room-by room, collecting things that belong in other rooms. As you do, put away any items in the basket that belong in that room.

At some point your basket will be empty since your things ultimately go somewhere. (If they don’t, add finding them a home, or getting rid of them, to your list!)

You will see less mess as you work through your day. Sometimes just attending to the clutter makes it easier to feel accomplished. Little pockets of disorganization are less stressful than the whole house being a mess.

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I do this quick clutter-reducing step every Monday morning . During the weekend, the house gets messy with everyone home. Reducing clutter as a normal Monday routine, is a nice way to start the week and feel accomplished right away.

Pick a day once a week to add this to your cleaning routine. It could change each week, but devote some time to doing this one day each week so you don’t feel buried in the clutter. You’ll enjoy your time at home as a mom more!

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One tip to reduce the chaotic clutter. One tool just one day a week.
This post is featured in A Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms: Homemaking Tips. View all of the great tips shared by clicking HERE.