Preschool Journal Time

Preschool Journal Time

Kids love to mimic adults. Preschool journal time is a great way to expand on this interest. You can tell I am a list-maker, because my kids are always using the big pads of paper to “write,” “draw,” and “make lists” for fun. It is pretty entertaining how early...
Calendar Time in Preschool at Home

Calendar Time in Preschool at Home

Calendar time or circle time is a great way to start the day in preschool at home. It also allows for some repetition that is necessary for preschool age children. This is a time for learning big concepts in little bites. Preschool at home was a great experience for...
Preschool at Home Curriculum

Preschool at Home Curriculum

I have always taught my children at home with learning activities when they were infants, toddlers and preschoolers. After looking around for a preschool in the San Diego area, we decided that preschool at home was going to be best for my daughter and for our family...