Accepting Yourself for the Mom You Are

Accepting Yourself for the Mom You Are

Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom. {This week: Post by Heather} Long before I became a mother I had a lot of preconceived notions about what kind of...
5 Smoothie Recipes Your Kids Will Enjoy

5 Smoothie Recipes Your Kids Will Enjoy

{Guest Post} Can’t seem to get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies? You’re definitely not alone! No matter how creative you try to be in sneaking veggies into meals, you can still find yourself facing a major battle if they realize what you’re doing. If this...
Crayon Color Sorting

Crayon Color Sorting

My toddlers were interested in colors around 2 years old. They would point and ask what color something was in their curious way. It’s one of the simplest lessons to teach because we can share color names easily as we go about our day. “The stop sign is red.” “This...
Teaching Children to Sew

Teaching Children to Sew

Recently I was sewing a robe for my oldest daughter. She asked if she could help and said she wanted to learn how to sew. Before jumping in, I wanted to look for a project to help with teaching children to sew. As a child, I remember my mom sitting at her sewing...