If you are struggling with the cost of preschool or deciding if you should send your child to preschool or teach them at home, I am excited to share the framework of my free preschool curriculum with you!
It will help you make a decision about preschool and what will be best for your child.
You do not have to have any special teacher training to teach your child. With my preschool at home curriculum and the free planning kit I will send you, you will be able to:
- plan learning activities from the resource list provided,
- teach your own child,
- save money by teaching at home,
- and enjoy a more flexible schedule giving your child real world experiences that kids in the preschool classroom do not get every day.
Why do I know this?
Because before having my children, I taught preschool. I also have four children that used the learning activities and routine of this free preschool plan.
At Home Preschool Planning Kit (Free Download)
View the full replay of our live chat explaining all about the free preschool at home planning kids. Then, click to get your free preschool curriculum planning kit.

It is my goal to encourage moms in the trenches of motherhood to see the unique value in their care for their homes and families. Your presence is so important.
This preschool curriculum is free to access and very low cost when it comes to supplies.
How the Free Preschool Curriculum Works
Most activities use items like construction paper, markers, pencils and small craft supplies that are easy to find at a dollar store or hobby lobby.
I have always taught my children at home with learning activities starting from when they were infants. I did not consider myself a homeschool mom back then.
As my children grew to be toddlers and preschoolers, the activities we did together were inspired by my time teaching preschool and lower elementary grades.
It was when my oldest was getting close to preschool age that I made a choice to save my family money by teaching preschool to him at home.
When he was 4 ½ he did go to a preschool two mornings a week. At the time, I thought he had to and felt like I was the odd parent out because my child was home for so long.
But, when my second child was preschool age, we lived in a more expensive area. I saw how effective my preschool teaching at home had prepared my oldest for school.
Both children were reading in preschool already. Just from doing the learning activities that use simple supplies and process at home.
Why to Choose to Teach Preschool at Home
After looking around for a preschool in a very expensive area where we lived at the time, we decided that preschool at home was going to be best for my daughter and for our family.
It simplified life, saved us money and gave my daughter and me one on one time together which was important since she was my second child.
You may have a different financial situation, have different life stresses. But, teaching preschool at home is a way to maximize your quality time with your child.
I always planned to send my children to school. It was dreamy thinking about having wide open days during the school year. But, I learned in time that it is also pretty dreamy to be home with my kiddos as their teacher.
The young years go so quickly! I love seeing the memories on social media of the time spent with my kids teaching them at home. We will never get that time back, but when we invest in those years, it pays off.
I can see that now in my teens and tweens. Family is their security, and we enjoy spending time together.
The resources you will find on my preschool at home curriculum page are the activities day-by-day that we used as our preschool at home curriculum.
The program only requires 2 activity days per week, so you can plan in playdates with friends or park days, plus you have normal tasks to do too like running errands and grocery shopping.
All of those daily experiences are important for the children to experience too.
Truly! They teach so much.
Free Planning Kit for Teaching Preschool
Our free preschool curriculum takes into consideration that real life is happening. The planning pages in the planning kit help you plan in two preschool activity days each week and also manage your home tasks and errands.

This is all part of your child learning to care for home and family too! Big life lessons.
If your child is less than 3, you will start with my toddler activity guide Toddler Play and Grow. This is a collection of learning activities that will be best for your child. The activities in the preschool at home curriculum are for ages 3 and up.
The decision to teach preschool comes down to the truth: You know what your child likes, dislikes, needs to learn and their strengths.
I know what my child needs to learn. I know what her interests are, so I just combine the two and we get a beautiful child-centered curriculum that cost me nothing but basic supplies like construction paper and markers.
I have prepared a planning kit as my gift to you to help you implement this preschool learning at home. You also will receive a 3-day walk through of the preschool curriculum, how to access and plan the activities, and a detailed course overview so you will be teaching successfully right away!
It includes a reproducible weekly planning page, a daily planning page, and two options for checklists to help you stay balanced at home with the daily tasks like laundry, meal planning and the rest.
The pdf free preschool curriculum planning kit also includes a sample weekly schedule and sample daily activity schedule to get you started.
You will receive access to the full curriculum homepage as well as our preschool activity archives so you will have a full year of preschool learning however it fits into your schedule.
In addition, you will receive the FREE How to Teach a Preschool Activity guide that is free for all subscribers.
It will give you an outline for successfully teaching a preschool activity for those that have not taught before.
Don’t worry it is simple. You will be able to follow the simple steps to plan, teach, and successful lead your child through preschool learning.
Let me talk a little about our flexible preschool at home schedule so you can see what we did and also see how this curriculum flexes around your family’s needs.
I planned in 2 preschool activity days every week. The other days of the week we went to a library storytime, a moms group, and had a playdate or park day with friends. That is a 5-day week right there. Weekends were family time. We took holiday times off, so don’t worry there is flexibility to shift this around your schedule.
Every day of preschool we started with calendar time and a few songs and poems. Preschool songs can be fun seasonal songs or simple songs that teach big concepts such as the ABC song. I share about this in the sample preschool at home schedule you can access on the stay at home mom survival guide when you subscribe for the preschool curriculum access.
We only worked on focused preschool activities about 2 days per week. My daughter was 4 ½ when we started preschool at home. She started Kindergarten knowing how to read.
I loved that preschool at home was flexible. There was no driving to drop off and then back to pick up. If we had a playdate or appointment in the morning, we could do our preschool time in the afternoon.
We also had the ability to cut the activity time short if we had other plans, or we could extend learning time based on my child’s interest and my time. Rainy days are great for longer school days.
All of my preschool activities can be used more than once. So even when you make and plan an activity one day, your child can ask to use it again. They are all reusable and make great learning centers.
That saves time, money and makes the learning effective because preschoolers need repetition.
Let’s be honest, this is Preschool, it is not the SATs.
There is information that shows the universal preschool idea does not succeed in helping children become great students, so moms and dads, you are the key.
I detail this research in my book A Parent’s Guide to School Choice.
Research backs up that academic success is linked to more time at home in a safe environment, and early childhood organizations ignore it, sadly.
Your time with your child is the key to building a solid platform from which your child can take on any learning or personal challenge that comes their way in life. Parents make the difference.
Here is the Preschool at Home Curriculum overview.
Every Activity Day you can start with Calendar and Shared Reading and Song time
We had an Activity of the Day (Listed under Preschool at Home Day-by-Day activities to get you started. You will get access and directions on accessing this when you subscribe to receive the preschool curriculum planning kit.)
Then we read a book and had some Journal Time…yep journal time in preschool is important. Your child does not need to be writing to do this. I talk about it in detail in the curriculum.
We always Read books together. (Check out books from the library that are seasonal. These will teach a lot of science and social studies concepts. Many of the day-by-day activities have suggested books linked in each article for you to use as a guide too.)
After learning 2-3 activities, I set them up on the dining room table as centers.
You can have a preschool day that reviews the previous week’s activities like this. This is a great idea if you have a new baby and need your preschooler to work independently for a bit. Set up the previous week’s activities and your child can work through them on their own for a bit.
Kids gain a lot of confidence in knowing how to do things, so reusing activities builds this confidence.
Use the Preschool Activity Teaching Guide to help lead you through a complete activity.
This is a fail-safe program and it costs nothing to access.
I want you to feel empowered! I have a degree in early childhood education and taught preschool in multiple environments including to my own children at home.
The same activities I used in a preschool classroom work at home but allow my child to be in a safe, secure environment and get their socialization in appropriate, guided ways.
I know you can do it. And, now is the time to gain access to the free curriculum, planning kit, sample schedules and planning tips.

The pdf planning kit will send out to you immediately and the 3-day walk through will be emailed to you so you can get started reviewing everything right away.
I am excited for you to jump in and get started. If there are any questions….feel free to leave a comments or question and I will answer them as they come in.
You can do this with the planning kit and free curriculum. I look forward to helping you get started with preschool at home this school year!