Crash Course in Child Development: Toddlers

Crash Course in Child Development: Toddlers

We have made it through the sleepless nights of infancy, the milestones of crawling and first steps, and now, just as we have a nap schedule in place and a plan of attack for errands, the toddler stage begins! I know I needed a crash course in child development...
Easy Dinner: Foil Packet Meal

Easy Dinner: Foil Packet Meal

Although meal time is not always stress-free in our house (reference the picky eaters posts), it is a time that we are all seated together, facing each other, without any distractions…except for the picky eaters! Make getting to the table together tonight...
Moms Have Goals Too

Moms Have Goals Too

When I say I am a stay-at-home mom, I get the feeling that people assume I have no skills. I remember sitting with some fellow military spouses before any of us had children. We were talking about our “work” experiences. Even though I and two other spouses...
7 Ways for Moms to Fit in Me Time

7 Ways for Moms to Fit in Me Time

    Me time does not always look like I picture it in my head. Quiet hours with a book and a warm cup of coffee just do not happen in my season of life with young children. Many moms tell me it’s hard to find time alone to get some ‘me time’....