I figured out how to give myself ‘me time’ without sacrificing my need to keep my children safe. They are easy for any mom to try.

7 Ways for Moms to Fit in Me Time
2) Showering
When I take a shower, it is planned around having enough time to be sure I do not have to rush (most days) through the process.
Ok, just a note: This was written before the twins were born. There were weeks where I only got a few showers in just because the twins may not have taken naps or did not go right to bed at night. It is not always easy to get your basic needs met as a mom, but now that the twins are 2 things are moving pretty smoothly in the basic needs department. The time we moms have to give up a lot of our personal times ends sooner than we think it will when we are sleep-deprived and not-so-showered!
I know it may not be fun to view showering as a ‘me time’ activity when we want basic activities to just be easy, but we busy moms do what we have to do! Multi-tasking is a key aspect of our job.
I view showering as almost a mini spa time. Look at your shower as time for you to relax-grab some salt scrubs, essential oils-infused night cream, etc and take the 10-15 minutes to just be in your own world.
3) Driving naps
Some days, particularly when my husband is traveling for work or we are especially grumpy and whiny, I leave the house around a nap window, and my kids fall asleep in the car. I get to listen to music, pull into a parking lot and read, or just drive to scope out the area (we do move every 3 years, so there is always a new area to explore).
I learned this from a SAHM friend. She would put her kids in the car, drive through a coffee shop, and indulge in a little quiet time for herself even though her 2 kids were in the car. I try to keep the fuel burning to a minimum by parking and reading, or getting to an errand site early and enjoying the quiet time while my children nap-it counts as time for me even if it is only a few minutes.
4) Naptime
When I only had one child, this was my time! Now with four, nap time has become rest time with quiet activity and no real break for me. I still try to use this time as I want most days-sometimes it is folding laundry just to get it done, or writing this blog to escape for a few moments, or even checking in on Facebook during a moment when the babies are playing on their own.
If your children nap or are old enough to be independent for an hour or so, read a book during this time, or just relax in front of the tv. I would do different things on many days: clean one day, read another, do my nails the next, talk to a friend on the phone, etc.
5) Playdates
Spending time with other moms helps keep us aware that we are not alone. We can help each other. This counts as ‘me time’ in my book.
Make the effort to get out of the house and join with other moms when you can. It is not so easy for me to do this with nursing twins plus two other kids, but as my children grow I can get back to regular meetups.
Meetup.com is a great way to find a playgroup or moms group in your area. Otherwise, #6 can help, next!
6) Bible Study or Moms Groups:
MOPS or Bible Study groups at your local church can feel like a great refresher! Often they provide childcare as an option-or you can pay a one-time fee to use it. You get on-site childcare and time to refresh and meet other moms.
There will be some disagreement on this one. Two camps out there disagree on whether we irreversibly harm our children’s sleep habits by holding them (every once in a while) when they nap. I am referring to when they are babies, or toddlers. I highly recommend, if your baby falls asleep in your arms or on your chest, hold them there and just rest with them every now and then…soaking in the connection. When in their life and yours will you get chances to just rest and cuddle together? This results in ‘me time’ for you and your child. The warmth of mom’s skin and her scent; the feel of baby completely vulnerable and completely safe in your arms. Yeah, that recharges my soul. How about you?
I strongly believe a lot of cases of postpartum depression would be improved if we soaked up our time with our children rather than feeling right after they are born we need to make them completely independent of us. Feed yourself by caring for your child-both will benefit.
Note: I am not saying hold baby all the time while they sleep (unless that is what works for you both), but even for the most adamant sleep training-believing mom, cuddle time is good for both mom and baby!

Think about it this way: Time spent building our family a strong foundation now, equals a strong family unit throughout the years to come. Me time and mom time can exist at the same time. Find the balance that feels comfortable to you.

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After my son was born I started taking showers at night so I could take 20 minutes or so to relax while my husband spent time with the baby. It works great for me!
That is great! I have used that time plan as well on the days where a nap time shower does not work out. Sometimes just that 20 minutes is very refreshing. I am glad that works for you!