by Jaimi Erickson | Jan 30, 2012 | motivation, parenting
Socialization is the most over-used term in the parenting world-and early childhood education world-these days…and often the most misinterpreted. We stay-at-home moms are not depriving our children of proper socialization, we are actually providing the best form...
by Jaimi Erickson | Jan 23, 2012 | activities
My husband deployed for a year back when my oldest son was 6 months old. It was a job of mine to teach my son about his dad. Without the daily interactions of a parent and an infant, that memory of “dad” would not be established. It is a reality for...
by Jaimi Erickson | Jan 5, 2012 | parenting
We have made it through the sleepless nights of infancy, the milestones of crawling and first steps, and now, just as we have a nap schedule in place and a plan of attack for errands, the toddler stage begins! I know I needed a crash course in child development...
by Jaimi Erickson | Dec 12, 2011 | activities
There are many Christmas Kids Activities that can be turned into Homemade Gift Ideas. I enjoy watching the kids complete art and craft projects that allow their creativity to show. I put together a list of favorite Christmas kids activities and...
by Jaimi Erickson | Nov 28, 2011 | activities
This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure. A word wall is an activity that I start when my children are toddlers. It is part of our homeschool preschool activities, and I know that it helps my children learn to read with confidence. Play does...