How Parents Teach Socialization

How Parents Teach Socialization

Socialization is the most over-used term in the parenting world-and early childhood education world-these days…and often the most misinterpreted. We stay-at-home moms are not depriving our children of proper socialization, we are actually providing the best form...
Books on CD Recorded by You

Books on CD Recorded by You

My husband deployed for a year back when my oldest son was 6 months old. It was a job of mine to teach my son about his dad. Without the daily interactions of a parent and an infant, that memory of “dad” would not be established. It is a reality for...
Crash Course in Child Development: Toddlers

Crash Course in Child Development: Toddlers

We have made it through the sleepless nights of infancy, the milestones of crawling and first steps, and now, just as we have a nap schedule in place and a plan of attack for errands, the toddler stage begins! I know I needed a crash course in child development...
Exposure to Print: Make a Word Wall

Exposure to Print: Make a Word Wall

This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure. A word wall is an activity that I start when my children are toddlers. It is part of our homeschool preschool activities, and I know that it helps my children learn to read with confidence. Play does...