Work at Home Job Resources

Work at Home Job Resources

I have been researching work at home opportunities, particularly for moms, and have put together a resource list for you. Many of you have messaged me on Facebook asking about work at home jobs for stay at home moms. I know supplemental income in a one-income house...
Money Lessons Through Chores

Money Lessons Through Chores

Often posts about chores for children discuss the very important way chores/jobs help children develop a sense of responsibility and purpose within the family. There are many reasons why children should help around the house and one of them is learning money lessons....
6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

Teaching children money management is one of the great skills I learned from my parents was money management. Lessons such as how much money it takes to buy certain things, how to set up a budget, being mindful that what goes out better not exceed what comes...