Mom Motivation Mondays

Mom Motivation Mondays

It has been one of my goals since starting the blog 4 years ago to create a community of moms that can come together to encourage and connect. There is a great support network in place with the blog and our Facebook group. I am happy to announce that The...
Activity for Toddlers: Apple Color Sorting

Activity for Toddlers: Apple Color Sorting

This activity for toddlers is so simple to create! It works as a great preschool activity at home too. I like activities that work for multiple ages groups-makes life so much easier as a mom. Apples are a favorite Fall theme, but this activity for toddlers works any...
How Kids Can Get Involved In Their Community

How Kids Can Get Involved In Their Community

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine. Every year as we get close to the first day of school, I am reminded that we always feel new as a military family. This is our second year at our school-my...
First Day of School Countdown Activity

First Day of School Countdown Activity

Are your children ready for the first day of school? Are you ready? 🙂 Whether you have a child entering school for the first time, are getting ready to start your homeschool year, or have an older child that is eager to get back to their friends, this is a fun...
40+ Activities for Preschool at Home

40+ Activities for Preschool at Home

  This back to school season is an exciting one for me. My husband and I have made the choice to homeschool our preschooler rather than send her to preschool 2 days a week. We did send our oldest to preschool for two mornings a week when he...