DIY Magnetic Felt Board for the Fridge

DIY Magnetic Felt Board for the Fridge

This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure. Dinner time in our house is a bit hectic. I often have the twins pulling at my legs while trying to navigate my way through main dish, sides and filling up milk cups. It can get tricky (and a bit...
Make Your Own Bean Bags

Make Your Own Bean Bags

    I have been wanting to buy my children bean bags for a while and never got to it. DIY bean bags turned out to fit my budget and they were pretty easy to make.   I have a CD of bean bag toss songs that teach following directions that I used with my...
Crash Course in Child Development: Preschool

Crash Course in Child Development: Preschool

Having a preschooler has opened my eyes to how quickly children can learn new concepts. It also taught me how fast a bad example can develop into bad behavior. This crash course in child development: preschool will help us navigate parenting preschool aged children....
6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

Teaching children money management is one of the great skills I learned from my parents was money management. Lessons such as how much money it takes to buy certain things, how to set up a budget, being mindful that what goes out better not exceed what comes...