by Jaimi Erickson | Apr 9, 2014 | activities
When my oldest daughter was a preschooler, she confused the colors red and blue, black and white. I created a simple color sorting activity for toddlers so she could practice with the colors. This DIY color sorting activity helped clear up the confusion. The whole...
by Jaimi Erickson | Apr 3, 2014 | activities, Moms Share series
I am starting a new series here on the blog-Moms Share. There are many blogs and websites with great info, but YOU have so much you can share as well! After all, you are a mom and that means you have experiences that the rest of us can learn from. ...
by Jaimi Erickson | Feb 26, 2014 | activities
Whether you live in a snowy climate or not, these simple wintertime activities for kids will allow children to explore art, math, and sharing (if siblings or a playdate is involved)! We had a lot of snow one winter when we lived in northern Virginia! My...
by Jaimi Erickson | Nov 5, 2013 | activities
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure. I have rounded up some fall-themed infant activities. It can be hard to get crafty with the littlest ones, but this list will allow some seasonal exploration. Only do what you know your infant can...
by Jaimi Erickson | Oct 23, 2013 | activities
(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my disclosure.) Children learn so much from singing songs and saying chants. I created a songs and chants resource binder to store away all the little songs I used while teaching so I could...