8 Tips to Get Fit After Having A Baby

8 Tips to Get Fit After Having A Baby

It took a lot of creativity to get fit after having a baby. When I was 8 months pregnant with my first child, and packing my hospital bag, a good friend told me she was able to wear her pre-pregnancy jeans home from the hospital.  I packed my pre-pregnancy jeans in my...
When I Think I Fail As A Mom

When I Think I Fail As A Mom

It was one of those days. Days like this are when I think I fail as a mom. At first, that is how it feels. My limit was reached by 10 AM…at a school assembly…with all 4 kids…and 3 were crying. Both babies wanted to be out of the stroller or...
Why I Chose to be A Stay-at-Home Mom

Why I Chose to be A Stay-at-Home Mom

I chose to be a stay-home-mom based on experiences that I could not ignore. Before my husband and I were even married, we discussed how we would best care for our children if/when we had them. There is only so much preparation you can do to get ready for parenthood,...
What A Stay-at-Home Mom Is Worth

What A Stay-at-Home Mom Is Worth

If we stay-at-home moms were paid for all that we do in our homes and for our families, we would make more than the average mom who works outside the home according to CareerGlider.com! On the days where you feel like what you do does not matter, take a look at this...
Work at Home Job Resources

Work at Home Job Resources

I have been researching work at home opportunities, particularly for moms, and have put together a resource list for you. Many of you have messaged me on Facebook asking about work at home jobs for stay at home moms. I know supplemental income in a one-income house...