DIY Dress-Up Vests from Grocery Bags

DIY Dress-Up Vests from Grocery Bags

Paper bags are a craft supply that every home with kids needs. You can create so many projects and DIY toys with them. One idea is making robot paper sack puppets. But, for the activity I will cover today, we are making dress up costumes or dress up vests. All you...
Camp-In Indoor Camping Activity for Kids

Camp-In Indoor Camping Activity for Kids

    Stuck inside? Maybe you just want to try a fun way for the kids to play indoors. Why not have a camp-in!   We have a child-sized tent and I made a play campfire for my children to add a little more excitement to the pretend play experience. My son...
Homemade Summer Fun with Kids

Homemade Summer Fun with Kids

    My children are ‘outdoor kids’, large motor machines. They need to get outside in order to keep their spirits in balance-I need that too. Thankfully summer fun with kids provides a multitude of outdoor time for fun-and learning. Having children in...
DIY Magnetic Felt Board for the Fridge

DIY Magnetic Felt Board for the Fridge

This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure. Dinner time in our house is a bit hectic. I often have the twins pulling at my legs while trying to navigate my way through main dish, sides and filling up milk cups. It can get tricky (and a bit...
Make Your Own Bean Bags

Make Your Own Bean Bags

    I have been wanting to buy my children bean bags for a while and never got to it. DIY bean bags turned out to fit my budget and they were pretty easy to make.   I have a CD of bean bag toss songs that teach following directions that I used with my...