100+ Popular Toddler Activities

100+ Popular Toddler Activities

This list of easy to set up, inexpensive toddler activities is a huge resource for parents of toddlers! I absolutely love this age because learning happens so fast, but the endless energy can lead my toddlers to explore in all the wrong places. These 100+ toddler...
Sensory Bin for Babies with Cloth Napkins

Sensory Bin for Babies with Cloth Napkins

Infants often dislike tummy time. Giving them a simple sensory bin for babies can keep them playing (and getting stronger) longer. Simple baby activities are a nice way to introduce sensory exploration and language to infants. (PLUS, as moms, it gives us a feeling of...
Fine Motor Activity for Toddlers with Tape

Fine Motor Activity for Toddlers with Tape

Toddler activities are the most effective when they are simple. Toddlers are very creative-that is why we often find them on top of tables, digging through the cupboards or tasting the water in the water table that may or may not have been in there a little too long....