{Post by Heather}
Tell me if this scenario sounds vaguely familiar:
You get home with the kids and everyone is starving. I mean, bite-your-own-arm off starving conditions. You realize you have nothing defrosted, bought or ready to eat. Basically you can cook air for dinner. And you think to yourself: How is this possible when-let’s be real-we know we’ve pinned a million quick dinner for busy moms that look absolutely amazing!?
I’ll let you in on a little secret. I always have these lofty ambitions to make new and amazing recipes that I’ve happily pinned during one of my Pinterest binge sessions.
You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones where you get sucked in while you’re watching TV or waiting for the kids to get off the bus.
If we’re being completely honest I’ve got it open in my other browser window as we speak.
I find all those drool-worthy quick dinner recipes so captivating, and pin to my heart’s content. Then much to my dismay I find out later as I go to pull up one to make that it has 65 ingredients (most of which I don’t have), 20 steps, and requires prep work I most certainly didn’t do. (Who has time to soften butter at room temperature?)
Yeah, I’m guilty as charged.
Hey, it happens to the best of us. It happens to me quite frequently.
I always say I’m gonna get better. I’m going to try out new and exciting recipes that have 65 ingredients. The reality of my situation is that our life is crazy. Both my husband and I work on opposite shifts, the littles have activities, school, homework, and the never-ending Saturday birthday parties.
I’m sure this sounds familiar to you as well because, let’s face it, we’re all busy in our own way with family and work responsibilities. The reality is I don’t have the time or energy to try out most of these elaborate meals. What I really need to do is get a quick meal on the table for my family.
I’ve started keeping a few tried and true easy meal ideas at the ready. I always keep the ingredients in the house so that I’m able to grab them at a moments notice.
Below you’ll find my 5 quick dinners for busy moms. I included links to take you right to the recipes too.
I swear by these 5 quick meals. They’re also kid approved!
Quick Dinners for Busy Moms
This one is my ultimate favorite recipe, that’s why I put it first. There are so many things I love about this recipe from Damn Delicious.
First, it’s full of real ingredients. It can be made in one pan…repeat: one pan! It can easily be doubled and used in lunches the next day. Lastly, it’s versatile because you can eat it as is, stuff it in a burrito or put it on top of nachos.
Mexican Quinoa – Damn Delicious
This recipe is so great because it only takes a few minutes. The most time consuming part of it is browning the meat! You can even do that in the pot and then add the other ingredients.
Don’t know if you’re noticing a trend here, but I really loathe doing dishes.
5 Ingredient Chili – Gimme Some Oven
This recipe is great because 9 times out of 10 I already have these ingredients in my house without having to add them to the grocery list, unless I run out of flour or bread crumbs.
I love that I can just do a quick pantry check and know that I’m going to have a healthy and delicious meal for the kids. I also love that the chicken nuggets are baked and not fried. Bonus, my kids don’t even notice they’re baked!
Baked Chicken Nuggets – Savory Nothings
Like most kids, mine absolutely love mac and cheese. My youngest little would happily eat it for every meal if I let her.
I used to fall back on the renowned blue box since it’s so easy. I hate that it’s full of ingredients I don’t want my kids eating. Then I found this recipe. I can make everyone happy. They get mac and cheese, and I get the satisfaction of knowing they’re not eating chemically derived food.
One Pot Mac & Cheese – Five Heart Home
I know, I know lasagna is already easy to make, but I find that this recipe really is the best I’ve found. I make a giant pan of it and amazingly…
Lunches – Check.
Leftovers – Check.
Happy Mom – Check.
Easy Lasagna – A Pinch of Healthy
Then on Saturday we order takeout, and Sunday is leftover day!
These meals are always on my meal prep plan and their ingredients are routinely stocked so I don’t get left cooking air for dinner!
<<<Get 8 weeks of meal plans for only $5.99>>>
What are your go-to easy meals? Share them in the comments!
Heather lives in Florida with her husband, two girls and two pups. She is a lover of most things in life, too many to name here without scaring you, but a few include working out, learning new recipes, Pinterest, organizing (yes, it’s true!), home decor and learning to lead a more minimal and purposeful life.
She started Just Becoming Me as a venture to better understand herself and what will lead her towards a more fulfilling life. Her motto is: “We only have one life, and I want to learn to live mine in a way that gets me excited to jump out of bed.”
I’m always looking for delicious and simple dinner recipes. Thanks for sharing. Definitely will try a few of these. I think the kids will love them.
The constant need for sure! Glad these can be helpful.
so cool busy moms and dad ))) recipes! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for reading. 🙂
Have you heard of the new Quicky Pan that makes pizza in 5 minutes. You have to check it out. https://quickypan.com/
Thanks for these wonderful recipes. My favourite is baked chicken nuggets, I tried it and it is soooo mouth watery. Everyone should try it tho !!
Varsha| http://humminggardens.com/