DIY Contrast Cards for Babies

DIY Contrast Cards for Babies

My husband took the lead on this idea! He made DIY high contrast cards for babies that are great for visual stimulation. These are too easy. Two supplies needed-that is it! Supplies: Index cards Permanent black marker DIY Contrast Cards for Babies Using index cards,...
Best Diaper Pail

Best Diaper Pail

This post is sponsored by Vliba. All opinions are my own. View my disclosure for more info. I still research best baby products because I know so many people having babies! When you purchase baby prep items, you want them to be valuable and last. Setting up the...
8 Natural Baby Care Tips

8 Natural Baby Care Tips

It was the third time we visited the doctor for my son’s skin rash. Living in a humid climate could have been the cause, and we tried the prescribed treatments. Nothing was working. Worse yet were the side effects listed on the tube of cream the doctor...
Cotton Ball Toddler Fine Motor Activity

Cotton Ball Toddler Fine Motor Activity

Kids love cotton balls. They are so versatile as a hands-on fine motor and sensory activity. I grabbed some cotton balls for a cotton ball fine motor activity for my twins. The twins were so little! I can’t believe how fast time really does fly. This activity counts...