Easy ABC Poster and Alphabet Learning Game

Easy ABC Poster and Alphabet Learning Game

This ABC poster and alphabet learning game is an easy one to create with your children so that they can see you writing each letter and work on pre-reading skills. You do not have to be an artist to do this. How often for your kids ask you to draw a picture for them,...
40+ Activities for Preschool at Home

40+ Activities for Preschool at Home

  This back to school season is an exciting one for me. My husband and I have made the choice to homeschool our preschooler rather than send her to preschool 2 days a week. We did send our oldest to preschool for two mornings a week when he...
Infant Activities

Infant Activities

The key for infant activities is a lot of communication and a lot of repetition.  Research has shown that the nerve pathways in the brains of infants light up when they hear familiar phrases! Make those brains shine by utilizing these activities for infants. They will...