by Jaimi Erickson | Jul 31, 2015
Here are a few rainy day activities for kids that have helped my children and me survive the rainy days or days where it is too cold or hot to play outside. I hope they can be a benefit to you as well! These rainy day activities are a staple of our homeschool...
by Jaimi Erickson | Jul 31, 2015
Whether you homeschool preschool or supplement after school. You can do so much at home, simply! Preschool activities that teach do not have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time to prepare I believe you can be a non-crafty...
by Jaimi Erickson | May 20, 2015 | activities
This list of easy to set up, inexpensive toddler activities is a huge resource for parents of toddlers! I absolutely love this age because learning happens so fast, but the endless energy can lead my toddlers to explore in all the wrong places. These 100+ toddler...
by Jaimi Erickson | Apr 30, 2015 | activities
This BIG collection of simple-to-prep kids activities includes hundreds of activities for infants, toddlers and preschool as well Montessori activities and free printables. These activities for kids will help you engage your child at home in learning and fun without...
by Jaimi Erickson | Feb 18, 2015 | activities
Toddlers. They can be tricky! Not quite ready for sitting down and doing focused learning activities, this group is active, always exploring and needs their own fun activities to keep them (I don’t like the term busy) investigating the right things rather than...