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Kids lose some of what they learned during the school year over the summer. Teachers call it the summer slide, and it happens every single year. Elementary school age children, on average, lose about two months’ worth of math skills and one month’s worth of reading and spelling over the course of summer break. We parents can prevent Summer slide, and help our children stay on track academically.
You’ll be surprised by how easy and fun it can be to easily help your child learn at home. Just 10 minutes a day can have a huge impact and help keep your kids from losing ground and prevent summer slide.
Prevent the Summer Slide
Simple learning activities at home are such a great way to keep your child learning-in a fun way-to prevent the summer slide of learning loss. You can find great kids activities for elementary kids, preschool kids, toddlers and infant activities right here on the blog.
The experts at LeVar Burton Kids have gathered their top 7 ideas for keeping your kids thinking, engaged and learning all summer long to share with you, absolutely free! From cooking with your kids to playing games to reading, you’ll discover 7 fantastic and fun ways you and your kids can defeat the summer slide. Best of all, this report is absolutely free.
Simply click here to access to your free copy of 7 Ways to Prevent the Dreaded Summer Slide.
You definitely want to try Skybrary free too!
Prevent Summer Slide with Skybrary for Kids
Skybrary Family is a tool for parents to get an entire online library into the hands of our kids. The twins enjoyed reading their digital books, and even viewing fun “field trip” videos with educational lessons.
Skybrary Family puts a library of books and virtual field trips within your child’s reach.
Bring learning to life with LeVar Burton’s Skybrary, a carefully curated digital library of books and videos that allows your child to experience people and places from around the globe.
Skybrary was created to spark a lifelong love of learning through an ever-expanding world of interactive digital books and Video Field Trips hosted by everyone’s favorite storyteller, LeVar Burton.
Children can select books and videos based on their age and interests, giving them the freedom to explore subjects they love and expand their horizons — all in a secure, kid-friendly environment parents trust.
Skybrary is packed with engaging features both you and your child will love:
• Children pilot their own personal hot air balloons through 7 magical islands, each home to hundreds of quality books and videos that celebrate diversity, family and the world around us.
• They get unlimited access to over 600 high-quality books—from classics to award winners to undiscovered gems. Each one has been hand-picked by celebrated authors and publishers.
• They can explore the world on over 250 educational Video Field Trips. From nature excursions to space explorations to globe-trotting adventures, join host LeVar Burton on a seemingly endless array of fun and fascinating learning journeys.
• You will reward your young reader’s natural curiosity and sense of discovery. Skybrary features interactive animations that add to the fun (and support reading comprehension).
With LeVar Burton’s Skybrary, your child can Go Anywhere and Imagine Anything — right from your preferred device! Plus, we want to give your family a one-month free trial to navigate through our islands of discovery.
Each book comes fully equipped with a “Read to Me” or “Read by Myself” feature and dozens of interactive animations that bring the stories to life
• You can create customized profiles for up to 3 children at no additional cost. Plus, you only need one login for multiple children to use the service – and requires just one sign-in to access content across all your devices.
• Track your child’s progress with our easy to use Parent Dashboard. See which books they are reading, how much time they are spending, and get book recommendations specifically tailored to your child’s age and interests.
• Kids can choose between “Read to Me” or “Read by Myself” options for each book – so they can build confidence and develop reading independence at their own pace.
• Receive new books and videos every Friday.
• Available NOW for the Web, iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire and Android Tablets. Get one month of Skybrary free today!
There are aspects of technology that I don’t like, but there are great benefits to it as well for educating our kids. Skybrary puts the variety of a library on your tablet or phone. You can “check out books” without a library card or leaving the house!
How great is Skybrary for road trips with kids?
Check out more activities for a road trip with young kids and download Skybrary to add to a great vacation and to be prepared for the next school year.
How to Get Skybrary Family
After your one month free trial, Skybrary only costs $4.99/month or you can subscribe for a year to save 33%. (One year subscription is only $39.99!)
This is a great option for a child’s rest time when they grow out of taking naps. It’s a fun take-along activity for doctor’s offices or a long wait at the post office.
Skybrary has unlimited uses for engaging your child in a love of books while at home or on the go. It helps me get dinner on the table, because the kids are occupied with an educational activity.
How are you helping your kids prevent the summer slide or get prepped for a successful school year?
Read more about how I use Skybrary Family with toddlers.