The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide

Giving stay-at-home moms and caregivers tools, resources, and tips on how to create a loving, genuine home alongside their children.
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Hey there!

My name is Jaimi, and I am a mom who loves to encourage moms in the season of raising children, making a home, and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. I am the mom of four, including a set of twins. I am also a military wife, writer and “professional” playdate planner. We have to meet mom friends somehow, right?!

I studied early childhood education and teaching in college, so I was able to study a lot about child psychology, family dynamics and what research shows about those two factors in the life of children. I decided to channel that background and the feeling like I could really help moms who were just trying to survive at home caring for their families. 

The stay at home mom survival guide is my little ministry. It is a resource for mothers, parents, caregivers and teachers.

Graphic The Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide
Good Daily Lists for A Mom To Do

Good Daily Lists for A Mom To Do

Getting life in balance is possible. It is not always easy, but with the new 4-day mini course you will be on your way to achieving balance at home. The course is a series of good daily lists for a mom to do including access to free printables that are tools to be...

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How to Feel Like A Successful Mom

How to Feel Like A Successful Mom

  I have had people actually ask me the question, "What do you do all day as a stay-at-home mom?"  Some days I can't even answer.  I start to work on a task, then the phone rings, someone spits up or needs a diaper change, spills something on the newly mopped floors, or gets...

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What Do Stay-at-Home Moms Do All Day?

What Do Stay-at-Home Moms Do All Day?

Many SAHMs long for a job outside of the home. It can be difficult to recall what we really do all day when our main task is caring for home and children. Often we cannot complete one task before starting another-and really, we do about 100 things at once! For personal reasons, extra money, adult...

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How to be a Great Stay-at-Home Mom

How to be a Great Stay-at-Home Mom

This post contains affiliate links. Please view my disclosure for more info. It used to bother me, when I was in my teaching program, when teachers and professors talked to us like we knew more about raising children than the parents. I was a 20-something student who had a lot of babysitting...

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Maximize Your Time As A Stay-at-Home Mom

Maximize Your Time As A Stay-at-Home Mom

  I used to get bored as stay-at-home mom. Those days made me question whether being a stay-at-home mom was worth it. As a former teacher, and a child who had a stay-at-home mom, I knew that what I was doing was valuable, but I needed to add things into my day to feel more successful. This...

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Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Matters

Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Matters

This blog is for YOU, the stay-at-home-mom, who may need encouragement and support to find the joy in staying home with your children every day. Being a stay-at-home mom is a parenting choice that puts you in the prime spot to know your child better than anyone.   This will help your...

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