The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide

Giving stay-at-home moms and caregivers tools, resources, and tips on how to create a loving, genuine home alongside their children.
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Hey there!

My name is Jaimi, and I am a mom who loves to encourage moms in the season of raising children, making a home, and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. I am the mom of four, including a set of twins. I am also a military wife, writer and “professional” playdate planner. We have to meet mom friends somehow, right?!

I studied early childhood education and teaching in college, so I was able to study a lot about child psychology, family dynamics and what research shows about those two factors in the life of children. I decided to channel that background and the feeling like I could really help moms who were just trying to survive at home caring for their families. 

The stay at home mom survival guide is my little ministry. It is a resource for mothers, parents, caregivers and teachers.

Graphic The Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide
Budget-Friendly Ways to Feed Kids With Costco

Budget-Friendly Ways to Feed Kids With Costco

Raising kids can be a rewarding and joyful experience, but it can also come with financial challenges. As parents, we strive to provide our children with nutritious and delicious meals while staying within a budget. One effective way to achieve this is through...

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Find Balance in Motherhood and Relationships

Find Balance in Motherhood and Relationships

I received a copy of the book Mom Connection, and one to giveaway to a reader, in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own. Balance in motherhood is my goal every day. Motherhood can feel like “twirling 100 hula hoops” and moving in “endless circles”. I think we can all relate to that...

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Crash Course in Child Development: Preschool

Crash Course in Child Development: Preschool

Having a preschooler has opened my eyes to how quickly children can learn new concepts. It also taught me how fast a bad example can develop into bad behavior. This crash course in child development: preschool will help us navigate parenting preschool aged children. This stage is the time to...

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6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

6 Tips for Teaching Children Money Managment

Teaching children money management is one of the great skills I learned from my parents was money management. Lessons such as how much money it takes to buy certain things, how to set up a budget, being mindful that what goes out better not exceed what comes in, and self-esteem from...

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Teaching Through Tantrums

Teaching Through Tantrums

  Do your children throw tantrums? Do you try disciplinary strategies and feel that they make little headway in teaching your child how to get over a mood swing? There is a great resource for us! It is easy to work into your days, teaches children to learn about why they...

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Why I Don’t Use Daycare

Why I Don’t Use Daycare

After working in three different child care centers across the country and as my first child grew, I understood more concretely how my decision to leave my child in the care of others would impact him. It is the personal choice of my husband and I to not use day care. This choice does not...

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Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word

Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word

We were at a playgroup with a few children. It was not a large group. My son-at that age-was a total follower. He wanted to follow the big kids. They made him laugh and looked like fun. The problem was, he was about 16 months old. He was not at a stage where he could think about his actions. He...

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DIY Car Wash Toy for Kids

DIY Car Wash Toy for Kids

      For any child who is a car lover, the imagination is limitless about where the cars drive and what they do. My son used to think cars got cold and needed a his imagination, of course! He acted out the Cars movie (and Cars 2) while watching. This boy has loved them...

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Turkey Burgers with Vegetables Inside

Turkey Burgers with Vegetables Inside

Often when I set out to make dinner, I find that I am missing one or two items from the recipe list. Other time I have ground turkey versus tenderloins or some other variation that just doesn't quite match a recipe.  This scenario tends to help me create new recipes...

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Moms are Leaders

Moms are Leaders

Did you make the list of most powerful women of the last year?  Every year Fortune magazine lists the 50 most powerful women, in business, but of course this is only one sector of powerful women. I noticed a blog out there that targets busy working moms also had their own list...

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