When you have kids at home, teaching everyone together is a normal part of the routine. From reading books to your toddler while nursing a new baby, or working on homework with your children together at the dining room table, you are teaching in a mixed age group. Moms just do this normally without even thinking about it. Although it can get tricky to switch back and forth in a homework setting, when homeschooling mixed age groups, there are tools to make it go a bit smoother.

From visual aids that help younger kids read and follow directions, to extended resources to elaborate on tough concepts, MEL Science kits use smart teaching tools to help children in a variety of ages learn deep concepts.

We explored an MEL Science kit focused on Chemistry. It was a part of our weekly STEM explorations where we focus on a science-based project and dive deep into what it teaches us.

Chemistry is a topic that comes up a lot in our house. We talk about eating healthy so we put good fuel into our bodies. We talk about the effects that medications have on us – and how when you add multiple into a body at a time they interact with each other.

I want my children to understand the concept of Chemistry and chemical interactions to the best of their ability. The goal is for them to be good stewards of their health and the environment.

The MEL Chemistry kit we explored taught those concepts. We got to get hands-on with experiments in our home lab. Let me share what we did.

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MEL Science Chemistry Kit package.

MEL Chemistry Science Kit

Our MEL Chemistry starter kit arrived to load our science toolbox. The starter kit supplies you with many items you would find in a lab. It is a one-time kit that can be used over and over again with each MEL Science experiment kit.

You can view the full unboxing later on in this blog post. I was so thrilled with all the chemistry tools and supplies that came in the starter kit!

I teach some subjects at the dining room table so all the kids can learn together. We often cover science or history when we do things in a whole-group format. Our MEL Science kit put the kids in the driver’s seat since the instructions were easy to follow for any reader.

I do recommend that you facilitate and supervise as kids are working with chemicals here. I assisted the kids to be sure they were following the steps in order. And, I reminded them to share and alternate with each step. But, they were able to pass the direction card around so everyone had a turn performing steps in our chemistry experiments.

Science kits are very helpful for giving you — the homeschool mom — a bit of a break. They teach complete concepts in the experiments. With the extra resources, like the explanation card and VR headset, diving into the details is done for you.

What We Loved Most About the MEL Science Kit

My son loved the VR goggles. They fold into a headset that holds a cell phone. Using the MEL app, your child can watch an explanation of the science concepts studied in the kit using the VR device.

Each of the kids passed the goggles around so they could all experience it. It helped them take turns and be patient. The excitement of trying our new science tools was enough to keep them more patient than usual.

Using science kits for whole group learning can infuse your homeschool with that fun that can be lacking some days. Especially when you start a semester, getting everyone geared back up for learning can take some creativity. Use an MEL science kit to stir up the excitement and interest.

MEL science kits are wonderful teaching aides if you teach homeschool co-op classes, gather with other families for STEM days, or just want to incorporate solid science concepts at home with your children. Each experiment card is easy to follow and the kids can do most of the work independently.

We also enjoyed that there were enough supplies to repeat the experiments. This allows each child to have a turn in the procedures.

There were also extension ideas to walk you through taking the experiments a step further. This enhances the learning – especially for older kids.

The science kits are designed for children from five years old and up. You can use these as teaching tools throughout your child’s school journey. It allows you to partner with your child in their learning. You are exposing them to deeper thinking and learning.

Click to save 50% on your first month of MEL Science kits with code SAHM50.

Teaching science concepts to our kids is one of the most fun parts of homeschooling. Although we are not experts in every subject, when we get great teaching tools into our homes like MEL Science kits, the concepts are taught in a hands-on way. That helps solidify learning in a deeper way for kids of all ages.

Get your MEL science kit today and explore chemistry, physics, STEM or math kits at MEL science.

MEL Chemistry Starter kit and Chemistry experiments.