by Jaimi Erickson | Sep 5, 2013 | activities
It can be tough to combine learning activities for multiple ages of children. As a mom of 4 where my kids ages spans from kindergarten to infants, we have to get creative to make learning time successful. You can make seven learning activities with...
by Jaimi Erickson | Aug 12, 2013 | activities
“But life has a way of serving up the unexpected.” Soon many children will be entering new school buildings, classrooms, meeting new friends, and/or beginning a new year of study at home. That can all be intimidating and feel stressful for the...
by Jaimi Erickson | Aug 8, 2013 | activities
My kids were playing with their toy animals a lot. I noticed that my toddler already knew the animal names, and my oldest was nearly at reading age. In the midst of one of their pretend play sessions, I asked them if they wanted to make name tags for the animals. They...
by Jaimi Erickson | Apr 12, 2013 | activities
How can one activity spring off into multiple others? It happens a lot in our house! It’s exciting to follow the interests of our children to expand their learning. First, we had dyed eggshells when were did the dying eggshells activity. When I was...
by Jaimi Erickson | Mar 21, 2013 | activities
Spring activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids are shared often on this blog. It is a season that has so many themes attached to it that creating learning activities for kids can be easy. I rounded up a handful of Spring activities for...
by Jaimi Erickson | Mar 17, 2013 | activities, parenting
At the intersection of playful babble exchanges, shared book experiences, and singing yourself silly you will find a great destination. It’s called language competency. Try to imagine a solid...