Self Care for New Moms

Self Care for New Moms

Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom. {This week: Post by Heather} If you are a new mom I know you read the title of this post and probably had 1 of 2...
DIY Dusting Spray

DIY Dusting Spray

Do you enjoy dusting? Would you enjoy it more if you knew you were helping to eliminate toxins from your home? A DIY dusting spray can add a tad more enjoyment to your dusting, or if you are like me at least help you dust regularly! According to the Environmental...
Exploring Shapes with Sand Sensory Activity

Exploring Shapes with Sand Sensory Activity

Outdoor playtime is essential to kids’ well-being. Anytime the grouchy behaviors show up (in me or the kids) we take a break and play outside. Of course gross motor activities like hopscotch or just playing at the playground are great for getting the wiggles...