Date Night In a Box: The Story of Us

Date Night In a Box: The Story of Us

We all know that it can be hard sometimes to sneak away and have a date with our hubbies.  Add in the cost of a babysitter, food, and drinks; sometimes it’s just easier to stay home. Date night in a box eliminates all of those problems and it is fun! I was scrolling...
Finding Peace in the Busy Seasons

Finding Peace in the Busy Seasons

{Guest Post by Lauren} Have you ever felt like you are drowning in your to-do list? Finding peace in the busy seasons is something I am currently struggling with. We recently got back from vacation, which was wonderful! I feel so grateful we could find time to get...
Surviving, Then Thriving

Surviving, Then Thriving

{Post by Lisa} It seemed like every time I moved forward there was a brick wall to get past. I felt suspicious that something was going on. I wondered if I had made the wrong decision. I tried to settle in, pray hard, and do my part. My efforts were ignored or not...