Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom.

{This week: Post by Kristin}

Adventure in motherhood can be slightly different than before you became a mom, but these 7 signs you're an adventurous mom are pretty daring! Mom Motivation Mondays

In pre-baby times, living an adventurous life might have included some bungee jumping, traveling the world, or shark cage diving.

While these risky examples are undeniably adventurous, every day mom life holds some pretty heroic adventures of its own. After all, this motherhood gig is not for the weak of heart.  We’re constantly racing against the clock, pushing the boundaries, and basically just trying to survive one day at a time with our little, unpredictable dictators children.

According to Google, the definition of “adventurous” is someone who is: “willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.”


Here are seven signs that you are an adventurous mom:

  1. You leave the house with only one extra diaper in your bag.
    It’s inevitable that if you pack only one diaper, your baby will have exactly two bowel movements. So if you don’t make it to the grocery store and back in less than an hour, that second poopy explosion might just ruin your baby’s clothes, the car seat, your shirt, and your entire afternoon. It’s a race against the clock and the stakes are smelly high!
  2. You attempt to transfer your sleeping baby from a car seat to his crib.
    One false move and your baby will jolt awake, killing all hopes and dreams for a solid nap, not to mention a two-hour break for mama! May the odds be ever in your favor!
  3. You eat out at a not-so-kid-friendly restaurant with a toddler.
    This place has no kids menu, let alone coloring crayons or any other form of distraction; but the babysitter cancelled, the food is phenomenal, the wine list is vast, and your two-year-old doesn’t seem to have that crazy look in her eye like she usually does. Reservation for three, please!
  4. You sneak back into your sleeping baby’s room to retrieve your cell phone that you accidently left behind.
    You might as well sneak back into a lion’s den! Your baby is so in-tune to you that she can smell, see, and “feel” you coming from a mile away! God’s speed!
  5. You take your kids to the indoor play gym, on a rainy day.
    With limited options, you know every child within a 60 mile radius is going to be at this indoor haven. But you, like all the other parents, can’t bear to stay locked up at home another day. Embrace the chaos!
  6. You fold laundry with a toddler in the same room.
    Even the tamest toddlers can’t help themselves around perfectly folded and stacked clothes; they’re programmed to tackle and destroy anything that looks neat and organized. Proceed with caution!
  7. You decide to potty-train your toddler right after your new baby arrives.
    Once you do the math on how many diapers you’re now changing with two little ones in the house, you decide to bite the bullet and potty-train your two-year-old. Nursing a newborn while trying to keep your wiggly toddler on the toilet seat while she goes “poo-poo” does not end well for anyone. Roll up your sleeves!

What’s your most adventurous mom-move and what was the outcome?


7 signs you ARE an adventurous mom. A little mom humor for Mom Motivation Monday.

A weekly series of motivation for moms brought to you by stay at home mom bloggers at The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide.

Kristin Helms of The Mommy Project San Diego.Kristin is a mom to a beautiful baby girl, Miss B, and a new baby boy, Baby G. Pre-babies she worked in the corporate world doing marketing and public relations in the hotel business. She is now a stay-at-home-mom and freelance writer. She writes about all aspects of motherhood: Pregnancy, Mom Life, Baby Products She Loves, and other Fabulous Moms that she meets along the way on The Mommy Project, San Diego.