Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom.
{This week: Post by Lauren}
We spent a little too much time this winter in front of the TV. I kept thinking “Only one more day of this. The kids are sick. They need to rest.” It seems like we always had an excuse to watch another movie or stay inside! I am committed to getting my kids exploring activities for active play and less use of technology.
I’m determined to change the culture of our family this summer. I am excited to get outside more.
Our kids are highly influenced by our actions and beliefs! If I want my kids to be more active and less addicted to technology then it starts with me.
Did you know more active mothers tend to have more active children? Research suggests moms can influence their preschooler’s physical activity.
This is wonderful news!
Some of my greatest childhood memories are playing outside and exploring the world with my sister. I created a list of 10 activities for active play and less use of technology. It is a simple summer bucket list to get our kids moving and off screens!
Now for a little disclaimer.
Sometimes when I read parenting articles, I think “Ah! I should be doing this. I’m not doing this enough, I’m a terrible mother.”
Please don’t let this list stress you out!
It can be difficult to add fun physical activities to your already busy schedule. Start out slowly and add a simple activity here and there to get your family involved in more active play.
10 Activities for Active Play:
- Start a garden. It doesn’t have to be elaborate!
- Paint your sidewalk with chalk. Create a fun town on your driveway.
- Take a swim! Look into day passes or swim lessons at your local YMCA or community pool.
- Have a dance party after dinner. Let your kids choose their favorite song.
- Go on a hike or nature walk. Look for flowers blooming or butterflies flying.
- Run through the sprinkler or splash in a water table.
- Try a backyard car wash with your kids.
- Blow bubbles to chase around your yard.
- Catch fireflies after dinner. I loved doing this as a child!
- Go on a bike ride as a family.
Remember don’t stress, just have fun! You don’t need to be a creative genius to come up with activities your children will love. Sometimes the simplest things give them the most enjoyment.
What are your kids’ favorite active play activities?
Lauren has a background in school psychology and recently became a stay at home mom. She loves empowering women to parent joyful, healthy, Godly children. Come find support in motherhood, faith, healthy living, relationships and more as Lauren journeys through life as a daughter, wife and mother at her blog, Heart of Deborah. Follow her on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
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There’s some good ones here. This wasn’t an issue when I was a kid, or maybe the tech was just lower and not so addictive. I hope parents take these seriously!