The rush to sign up for summer camps is in full swing! Are your kids scheduled out for the summer or are you enjoying open days and more family time?

This summer, my family is moving to our forever home. It took some time to get our finances in order and find the house and land we wanted and could afford. Until we can move in to our house, we are living in our RV.

Although I would not have chosen all 6 people in my family living in such close quarters, I am focusing on the gains we are making because of it.

This unique summer, I want to enjoy slower days spent together.

How to embrace a slower summer with kids

Before long, we will have full schedules again and a home that needs our attention. But, for now, our summer vacation with the kids is all about a slower pace and quality time together.  

We only get 18 summers with our children to build a lasting relationship with them. Summer break is an invitation to lean into that opportunity. 

Simple quality time during summer isn’t about being a Pinterest-perfect parent or a cruise director, it’s about creating intentional time together. Sit and color some popsicle color pages to just be together and chat. Go to a local coffee shop and bring books. Sitting together sipping coffee and reading is a great way to spend quality time with older kids and teens.

Time really does fly. My oldest child will be 18 in two years. No one has ever told me that children grow too slowly. Instead, they say cherish the time, because it goes by so fast. The window of time I have with my children gets smaller every year, whether I want it to or not.  

Read the benefits of taking a slower summer approach to summer vacation with kids in my article over on Spouselink. There are real gains happening and it can make for a full summer in its own way.

You also need to read the list of free activities for kids. It is a great resource for family events near you that do not cost a lot.

What is your approach to summer with kids? Leave a comment below sharing your approach.

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Mom and daughter smiling together on the beach. Text reads embracing a slower summer with kids.