Preschool Journal Time

Preschool Journal Time

Kids love to mimic adults. Preschool journal time is a great way to expand on this interest. You can tell I am a list-maker, because my kids are always using the big pads of paper to “write,” “draw,” and “make lists” for fun. It is pretty entertaining how early...
Calendar Time in Preschool at Home

Calendar Time in Preschool at Home

Calendar time or circle time is a great way to start the day in preschool at home. It also allows for some repetition that is necessary for preschool age children. This is a time for learning big concepts in little bites. Preschool at home was a great experience for...
Color Sorting Bags for Toddlers and Preschool

Color Sorting Bags for Toddlers and Preschool

Can we talk about how inexpensive this activity is?! Color sorting bags for Toddlers and Preschool cost very little because the supplies you need are paper lunch bags, tape, scissors and construction paper. I would guess you have at least two of those supplies at home...
Pre-Reading Skills ABC Book Word-Matching Game

Pre-Reading Skills ABC Book Word-Matching Game

Children do not have to be reading to be exposed to reading skills. When my kids are in preschool we start looking more at the initial letters of different words. All that means is when I read the word “dog” in a book, I ask my child what letter is first....