Parenting webinars and courses on your schedule.
Learn about best practices in child development, parenting, and teaching your child at home in an all-access webinar that you can start and stop on your schedule.
Once you have been added to the class, you can view all the information when it fits in to your day.
Get a crash course in parenting at your fingertips.
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Hey there, I’m Jaimi
As a former classroom teacher, early childhood specialist, and mom, I am here to help you find joy in raising your children. Through my courses you will gain the knowledge needed to parent with success.
We have no greater job than to raise good humans and teach them to be the best they can be. That starts with us!
Being the best parent you can be is essential to raising your children to be positive citizens. Your example is the most important teacher.
Get equipped with tools and information to help you care for your children, set a positive example for them, and guide them to grow into their strengths.
Use the button below to get on my mailing list for all new updates, course offerings and the free 4-day mini course Quick Start Guide to Balance at Home.
Ready To Get Started?
I offer free one-on-one sessions to answer your questions and help you get a plan for success in your home. Reach out via email using the button below to get more information and set up your consultation session.
Tricky Toddlers
In the Tricky Toddlers course you will learn child development information to understand why your toddler is the way they are, tips for guiding them at home to grow and develop, and encouragement to fill your cup as a parent.
This self-paced course is viewable on your schedule and includes a free download guide of parenting tips, printable daily schedule templates, and the Toddler Play and Grow activity guide!
Equip yourself to be the best toddler parent you can be. Use the button to register now.
Planning for Preschool
In the Planning for Preschool course you will learn child development information specifically for your growing preschooler. Learn how to set boundaries and teach them to regulate their behavior. We will also cover what to do about paying for preschool or teaching preschool at home.
This self-paced course is viewable on your schedule and includes a free download guide of parenting tips, printable daily schedule templates, and the Semi-Homemade Preschool at Home Curriculum!
You will have all you need to parent your child through the preschool years. Use the button below to be notified when the course registration opens.
Choosing the Right School for Your Child
Dive through the overhwhelm to focus on what school choice will be best for your child in the course, Choosing the Right School for Your Child.
This self-paced course will provide you with helpful descriptions of school options in your area, a quick reference guide chart to find the school that will be best for your child and your family’s values, and the tools you need to make this very important choice for your child.
Get on the list to be notified when the next course is open for registration. Use the button below to sign up.
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