Days of the Week Activities to Teach Preschool

Days of the Week Activities to Teach Preschool

Teaching the days of the week is a simple way to help preschoolers grasp the movement of time. Preschoolers are in the concrete stage of development. They struggle to really grasp understanding of things that are not seen or touched. That is why so much learning at this age is hand-on! You can...

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How to Prepare Your Home for Natural Disasters

How to Prepare Your Home for Natural Disasters

I firmly believe in being prepared for natural disasters and unforseen challenges. I have lived through too many to laugh away the reality that storms hit, and we are often unprepared. Prepare your home for natural disasters with a few simple guidelines. I lived through the effects of Hurricane...

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Understanding Emotional Health For Stay-at-Home Moms

Understanding Emotional Health For Stay-at-Home Moms

Staying home with kids, day in and day out, doesn’t get the level of respect it deserves. It’s not just picking up toys off the floor and keeping everyone fed, it’s like juggling emotional fireballs while trying not to lose your own sense of self. Emotional health matters because it influences...

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How to Set Up Safe Tablets and Smartphones for Young Kids

How to Set Up Safe Tablets and Smartphones for Young Kids

Internet access among kids and young people is significantly different between rich and poor countries with only 6% penetration in low-income nations compared to 87% in high-income ones. Nonetheless, when children and young individuals get their hands on technology including tablets and...

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Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a mom who loves to encourage other mothers in the season of raising children, making a home and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. Click for more about what you will gain here at The SAHM Survival Guide.