Teaching number writing skills to preschoolers and kindergarteners can happen more organically than you think. Not every activity has to perfectly connect with the last. That is how my daughter and I stumbled upon this counting and writing number activity. Counting and writing numbers for kindergarten or preschool uses stickers and turns them into a counting and writing numbers game.

Using Stickers for Counting and Writing Numbers

Stickers may not be the first thing you think of when you think of writing numbers, but stickers are great for teaching many concepts. They also work a child’s fine motor skills in a fun way.

Young children love making sticker pictures and tape pictures. When you get those free sticker sheets in the mail, instead of throwing them out, put them in a craft bin. Pull a sheet of extra stickers out for this game.

Counting and writing numbers activity image collage.


Sticker sheet or two

2 Pieces of paper

Colored pencil

How to teach counting and writing numbers

The first step is to give your child the stickers and paper so they can create a sticker picture. My daughter simply removed the stickers from the sheet and placed them in rows on the paper.

This is more of a free form fine motor sticker activity. Let your child place as many stickers as they want on the paper. If you have extra stickers it may be a good idea to have them ready.

Girl placing stickers on a paper in a learning to write numbers and counting activity for preschool.

After all the stickers are on the paper, it is time to count. I asked my daughter to point with me to each sticker as we counted. We counted all the way up to the 20s! That is okay. Although preschoolers need to know 1-12 before kindergarten and kindergarteners will learn numbers much higher, count as high as the stickers lead in this activity. Counting skills are learned by exposure to the action of counting.

Adult leading the how to count activity with a preschooler.

No need to stick just with the numbers a child needs to learn by a specific age. (Those guidelines are not always great to follow anyway.)

As we counted the stickers, my daughter was excited by how high we counted. Preschoolers and kindergarteners get so excited over little wins. It is a fun age.

Preschooler writing numbers with guidance on paper.

Then, I guided my daughter – who was 4 ½ at the time – to write the numbers that we just counted. We wrote them one by one, and I put my hand gently over hers to help her form the numbers she did not yet know how to write.

Preschooler writing two-digit numbers to learn how to write numbers and counting skills.

We do so much by exposing our children to learning opportunities. This is an activity that may not cause writing number and counting skills to be learned immediately, but it is one that helps teach those concepts. Preschoolers need repetition to learn concepts.

For more counting and writing numbers activities view our collection of preschool learning ideas.

You can also access our free preschool curriculum for home use. It is what I used with my 3 youngest children.

What is your preschooler interested in learning about lately? Leave a comment to share. And please pin this post to share with others. 🙂