DIY Sunscreen Options

DIY Sunscreen Options

Up until a handful of years ago, I did not hesitate to buy the bargain sunscreen or convenient sunscreen option from the store. Then I learned more about the ingredients in those sunscreen varieties. I was astonished. My first thought was to head to Pinterest and find simple DIY sunscreen options....

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Supporting Your Child’s Seasonal Allergies

Supporting Your Child’s Seasonal Allergies

If you’re like me and living in the great Midwest, the summer season has yet to arrive in all its glory.  We’re still stuck somewhere between transitioning from spring to summer with a lot of heavy rains and high winds.  Unfortunately, most kids who suffer from seasonal allergies are not too happy...

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Kids Nature Mural Art for Outdoor Play

Kids Nature Mural Art for Outdoor Play

Summer time means getting creative to help the kids make use of the wide open days at home. Kids nature mural art for outdoor play and fine motor skills is super easy to set up and perfect for all ages to do together. I love the relaxed schedule of summer break. I like that my kids get to...

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Favorite Cheap Road Trip Activities for Kids

Favorite Cheap Road Trip Activities for Kids

 As a military family we have crossed the country a few times on road trips with kids. At this point we have the plan boiled down to the best tips when it comes to our favorite cheap road trip activities for kids. When road tripping, small parts and a lot of stuff just do not work well. They make...

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Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a mom who loves to encourage other mothers in the season of raising children, making a home and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. Click for more about what you will gain here at The SAHM Survival Guide.